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I'm trying to reset my password via email. But the requested link opens home page site. I've tried in other browser, but it dosen't work.. help!
I haven't played CL for 2 years and I really don't remember the password for my accounts I tried to change them from the site but when I clicked the link sent to my emails it just bounced me back to the site and I really couldn't change my password so I wonder what should I do or is it that the password reset system is not working yet
Hello, I was a player of celestia luna online, until just about 2 or 3 years ago and now, i really want to start playing again, problem is i have forgotten the password to my id with my high leveled char and all precious items. I would like help from the GM or anyone responsible (assuming you can) and i realize that this is a mistake on my part for not really memorizing it. I hope someone can help me ASAP and instruct me on what to do. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks for keeping this game up and running (To everyone responsible) and thanks, once again, in advance. (Sorry if this is not the right place to post such topics but it is the help section alright and i need help) AbdullahX