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Posts posted by Ban

  1. I thought it'd be a good idea to make this thread to discuss how we appreciate the GMs. I think we're so focused on the game and all the updates and such that we don't think about the work they put into the server. 


    So I wanted to say thanks for genuinely trying to bring us a good player experience. I know it probably would have been easier to just drop it and go on with your lives, yet instead you deal with our crap everyday, and have been since 2009. I'm impressed  :)







    Learn to use the search button. your just making more threads. and ofcorz spamming.

    • Downvote 4
  2. -10 if we knew when the update would be ready everybody would know it. Nobody does NOT EVEN US. We are working on it but we can't tell a time because we don't know how long it will take. All I can say is that there's still a lot to do.


    lol madam, its been 3 years i think since Reid said an update would come, no flaming. and i can see the outcome of it since 3k players are playing and now down to 800 people merely bots? i think. and overpowered PD users. makes the game more imbalance i think u should check on that too.


    good pm.

  3. there have been GM held events in the past few days. And we're still working on the update so you might be surprised when it comes out.


    -1 you should tell us when the updates gonna takes place, what time and what day. not all players have spare memo. in there harddrives.

    • Downvote 1
  4. PS : if its already suggested then implement this xd

    to Moderators : lock this thread if it starts to flamed :P

    Why not have an event every weekends! so the server is not dead in weekdays

    by the looks of it, only GW runs the server alive and pvp room, but that is over a year and 2 years now i think.

    Event like .

    Defend this castle/item/player for 1 hour by a specific guild. which the guild will defend it for maybe 1 hour or 2 hours until the buzzer sounds LOL boom that guild wins!

    so share you're thoughts of this.

    sincerely.. <_<

    • Upvote 1
  5. ooh ooh ooh, this seems like a job for... ME!

    (currently trying to find some outside buffers, i can beat it as is but i want to set a long lasting record)

    Edit: cant find anyone atm, if a magnus/SA/Cardinal wants to buff me and set it higher, let me know


    def and mdef and VIT

    this one is near INVUNERABLE LOL

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