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Endless Echo

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Everything posted by Endless Echo

  1. You know your Jealous of my Autumn (:
  2. I cant download the client when, i try it says there is a threat, but I go anyway, but anyway, it wont work and the one i had downloaded before never got past the server selection... HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP i havent played forever because of thissss

  4. Happy birthday! o3o

  5. the only good part of luna+ is the dances! who wouldnt want more dances? I WOULD. THAT IS NOW A SUGGESTION! xD they are so cute though...
  6. You got no signature picture! ill help, do you know how to get the url?
  7. what? if you think about it people could say, and you know this why? it makes sense! dont judge me!
  8. lol and i would that about you how?
  9. lets hope you didnt buy them o.o
  10. Well then they should add it to the item shop then if it doesnt exist, which it doesnt...i just had to check.
  11. Luna+ sounds cool at first right? but then when you go on the gpotato one, your like, dang this sucks. you get lost and costumes are too easy to get. plus, there just seems to be too many things like mounts and searching for shops and its just all confusing. please no luna+ plus where would everyone hang out?! D: <-- that is an impostant question you knoww. everyone would just hang out in Alker Harbor. in gpotato they used to be in the ruins, now they are nowhere. i will have to say no no no to this!
  12. i'll add you if you add mee ~ ♫
  13. Thanks, i can actually get through on my laptop, so something must be wrong with my pc. oh well.
  14. Whenever i play now, i always get stuck after the server selection. I push connect and there is nothing. It doesnt freeze because the backgroud is moving but after an hour, it says that i cant connect. I have good connection and my account isnt banned since i dont usually buy things from other people. in fact, i wasnt on for awhile until i decided i wanted to try it again and it didnt work. anyone else with this problem? ill put down my id just in case id:maddy2444 ~Autumn
  15. I love that Akari one >w< i want it soooooooooo bad!
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