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Posts posted by Seraphyre

  1. Yes, only guides belong in the "Guides" section. Please keep this in mind for the future. 


    You can get away with less strike if you have a class that uses a lot of DoTs, they have a lot of health.

  2. When someone claims to be all close with you and shit, and you tell them about something that's kind of a big deal for you, and they either:

    A. Ignore what you said
    B. Laugh about it, or
    C. Reply with like a 1-2 word response



  3. I don't think the idea was to keep PDers away from the PVP map, it was to make one for PDers and one for non-PDers. Although, as that's more trouble than it's worth, and PDers are far from invincible, I personally don't personally think it's necessary. The level grouping should be good enough.

  4. This is not going to be considered a report since you're talking about your own account. I'll lock your account since I noticed that the latest IP to log into your account was not yours. However, that's all I can do, be more careful in the future, and please read our rules so you don't lose anything later on.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Sounds good to me, only it'll have to be like 60-74 so you don't have people with only the level 40 job change stuck with people who have the level 75 job change. Not too fair.


    Likewise with level 105, it'll have to be like level 105-114 so they don't get stuck going against people with level 115 equipment. And some people have the 135 weapons from the MPvP Tourney, so you'll have to group them with the higher levels so it's not unfair to others. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. I've tried everything on the list except for Yume Nikki. Good games. I'd suggest Among the Sleep. It's like 20 bucks on Steam, but so worth it. Creepy, jump scares, but very immersing and the story line is crazy good. Very feelsy ending.


    (By the way Khu, you can edit your posts, please do that to refrain from double posting)

  7. Please post only guides in the Guides section. Any questions go in the Questions section. As Zohor mentioned, the Magnus class is balanced, has a lot of power and nice defense. If you're looking for straight damage, Destroyer is more powerful, but they're also more squishy. I'm torn when it comes to SMs, they're good, but I prefer Destroyer or Magnus.

  8. That's considered harrassment, yeah. If they follow you around like that, just tell them to stop. Screenshot that. Then, if they continue to bug you, screenshot again. Upload the two screenshots in a report, and they'll (hopefully, but probably not) learn their lesson. Since they're newbies, they won't lose much, but they've gotta give up eventually, right? ...Right? :unsure:

  9. If people decide to leave over said silly things, that's their own decision, and we're not going to change things based on people wanting those silly things - whether they leave or not. Unless they're approved of by staff, that is, and in which case, they would need to be something worth actually putting in. Those pills will create more complications than are necessary, guild wars and the PvP map would become a pain. You do not always get the option to choose who you're fighting against, especially in those situations. Not to mention if we continue to hold our monthly PvP events, having to revert those players back to their normal size just to hold the event would be quite the hassle. Also, they could very easily be considered unfair advantages, which are against our own server rules.


    So, tldr;

    As much as we see they can be fun, I think most of the staff agrees that they would even more so be a pain in the butt. I will close this, though, if you have any more questions, feel free to message a staff member. 

  10. You have the right to enjoy Celestia Luna without any interruption by the staff if you follow our rules and guidelines. You also get the right to exchange gold and premium points for items, and also money for even better items. You ALSO have the right to report another player, which will 100% of the time be seen, and result in their ban if they are breaking the rules. Not to mention you have the right to participate in events, which we work hard on, that result in free items for the players. 


    What more do you want?

  11. Both of you stop crying. 


    @dontmakememad, we clearly have a thread that was created, OVER a year ago, with the policy in mind of proper warnings. Watch where you throw your "bias" accusations, Eon has only been stating things with our rules and regulations in mind. 


    @forever05, as long as you're not actually KSing, you're fine, so I sincerely hope you're not. 

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