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Posts posted by Seraphyre

  1. Problem with Necro is that it doesn't have much of a stun lock (only one stun if you go Inquirer, I think), so if you don't kill the other player by the time your stun(s) run out, they have a good chance of winning the fight since most classes can stun lock. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. where shud we post the picture? here?

    n how to participate? juz post the picture?



    To join follow this format: 

    Participants: [Your character name and your partner's character name]

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  3. Nah, it's in the Off-Topic section, you're good. 


    In any case, I sincerely hope you do what you want to do in the end, and things work out. Keep us updated! ^_^

  4. Are you a legal adult yet? Either way, only you can make the final decision, she can't force you to go to a school you don't want to go to. Just tell her you have your own plans for your life, and you will be the one to reap the benefts/consequences of such a decision, so it's ultimately you who should decide where you go and what you do. 

  5. Yeah, the Guides section is probably your best bet. Make sure you mention that you're a pure path SA (give them the path you went), tell them you're aware of the lack of benefits, and then ask about skills. That way no one will be like "z0mg remake ur char, that path suck".

    • Upvote 1
  6. Inquirer>Soul Arbiter is a bad idea, since Soul Arbiter is basically an upgraded version of Inquirer, you're only going to get a couple new skills. I recommend Necro or Cardinal. If you want to ask questions about skills, I suggest you ask on the guide thread you've been following.

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