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Zairul Reidwan R

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Posts posted by Zairul Reidwan R

  1. well we had history with fraud and stuff which is why we have a different team that handle the donation on website. Nevertheless I think Brandon will provide an alternative option.

  2. Come on, even a homeless person can do well in this server if they had a computer and a hacked wifi spot. Its a private server. You can't compare a private server with official server. No one even force you to play this game. If you don't like it just let it go and go look for a better one. 

  3. Just because you transfer your items to another account you would think you are safe ? 


    Right, let the other accounst get banned because you already took what you need and store it safely in a 'clean' account.



  4. Well, I already tried asking someone about this via messaging but I think she's not checking her messages. Well,Here it is. lv2 Iron shield = 5%, Shield Training lv20 = 53% Solid Shield lv5 = 40% Thus a total of 98% block rate, am I correct? If I buy myself a set of Concealed barrier which gives 10% block rate. That would give me more than a hunder % block rate, right? Does this mean that I'll auto block every non-critical hits? Or is there some kind of bug that would render my block senseless? Or is it that those percent numbers does not stock but simply gives their own chances to block like, I have 5% chance to block, I also have 53% chance to block, I have 40% chance to block and 10% chance to block for every non critical hit I take?|

    Thanks in advance to those who'll answer


    you will block every normal attack when you reach more than 100% block rate. People who hit you wont see any number. You will see a bit nudge when they attack you. But critical still going to do full damage. Monster will still hit you for '1' regardless of your block %.

  5. We are sticking with Classic Luna but with updated content from Luna Plus and also from other version of Luna (Thai, Korean, etc).


    As for the Global forum, well the Luna forum itself is mostly in English even the Guides and Market. The 'Global Forum' is created for the most player that populate this server. Some of the new player from that region might not be well familiar with English so these forum is to guide them.

  6. Hyee & Salam..saya new player..but not yet started -.- adoiii..sesiapa tolong please..dah 2 hari aku study semua topic dalam forum..pasal tak dpt login game >.<

    so,mostly said it is antivirus problem kan? AV kena off kalau nak main celes luna..ok..AV saya dah off..Windows Defender? pun sudah kasi off..cari dalam folder celes luna online "celestiapatch" lepas tu delete..then repatch semula..pun sudah..program compatibilty? semua jenis yang ada dalam lappy saya dah cuba..window xp (pack 2,pack 3) window vista..window NT pack 4..semua dah cuba..window aku skang ni window 7 ultimate..directX direct 3D semua updated..game lain main ok ja..lagi tinggi requirements dari celes luna nih..tapi still problem >.< tak dpt nak login..aku baru main..id baru..tak de kene banned pun..bila tekan start..downloading update08.luna,update09.luna,update09-2.luna..semua dah dpt..lepas tu tekan start..dapat masuk..ada kluar tempat nak taip id & pass..bila aku taip id contoh: 1345  pass : 1345 dup dap..tetiba crashed..celestia luna has stopped working..bila tengok details..APPCRASH lunaclient.exe..aku tgk dalam folder celes luna..ada lunaclient.exe tu..tak da kene quarantine pon..nak quarantine camne =.= AV pon dah unninstall..haha..peninggggg + geram argh! apa lagi nak kene buat ni? tolong la..ke ade installer baru? dekat website tu..dah 3 kali aku download..time download tu AV dah tak de pon..tak da file yang kena delete pon..firewall pon dah off + add to exception list..T.T nak sangat main celes luna..dulu 2009 ada main 5 bulan..pastu quit..ok je time tu == please anyone help..mungkin boleh post link file LUNAClient.exe kat sini? aku nak file tu je..nak pastikan file yang aku pakai ni rosak ke tak..thanks in advance..




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