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Posts posted by Jonah

  1. You were asking me to buff you on my RM when my squishy Rogue was stunlocked D:<

    OT: Piece of crap computer that can't seem to function with more than two programs open at a time.

    Not my fault you're squishy. zzz

    Eon being afk 90% of the time so in guild chat i look like im talking to myself. ;;

  2. Dat 5 o'clock shadow.

    I took pictures this morning since I actually decided to do something with myself and look decent. I didn't know which picture I like more doe, so I'll just put up two of them. Was on my way to work, so that's why these were taken outside. B)

    I look like 12 in this one, and I'm making a weird face, but whatever amirite.


    This one's pretty okay.


    Imba cuteness. Dem eyes doe <3


    Tani, Eon, Eli?

    OT: Coming home after a long day of work, finish handling reports, and being able to kick back with a nice cold glass of iced tea <3

    She be so smart doe zzz. Eli must be added to the family. What is he the cranky uncle?

    Realizing I still have 2 cartons of ice cream left to nom on in de sad mood

  4. LOL. That was so the best though, honestly the cutest thing I ever did see. You and your mom <3

    Awkward moment when I spill my water all over my pants and I walk like a weirdo in my quest to find dry pants. I hate wet clothes.

    Hehe one big happy smile from me and madre.

    Old Awkward moment: In middle school taking state test and i forgot my water bottle was open so i flipped it over and water spilled all over my pants. :c whatever though.


  5. magnus or sm elf ?


    If you're going to dual wield, I suggest elf SM. Magnus only gets level 5 dual wield which leaves it with penalty still. Elf SM will have the penalty as well, however, it gets level 10 dual wield leaving it small.


    Magnus is better for 2h/1h users. It is one of the more balanced classes in-game.

  6. Awkward moment when you're taking a shower and your dog pushes the door open (the latch is broken), and you're afraid someone will walk by when you get out to shut the door. STEP DAD PLS FIX DOOR ALREADY.

    It srsly got to the point where the dogs are not allowed down that hallway anymore cause they keep doing that.

    Doggy want de booties.

    That awkward moment when your mom walks in and you're on tinychat with Tani and Eon.

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