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Everything posted by Fire

  1. Fire

    Married in Family

    easy, just create characters with perfect match in the DD system, you get hearts. What better to lvl up with your loved one? Go make perfect noob couples..
  2. Fire

    Married in Family

    Back way back when, we, the community, made our own "marriage system". There is like a chapel or whatever to get married in Nera castle at the corner. It's not a great looking place, but its not bad. Just buy the formal attire and invite your friends and bam, you got a marriage. People can bring u gifts lol. You can even get someone to say the vows and stuff for you. Easy, no hassle required. Then you can invite people to your family and call them "son" and "daughter". You got a wife and kids, congratulations. You can then associate with another family and bam you got brothers, cousins, and whatever else the hell you want. But be warned kids, 95% of all online kid marriages end in divorce. There is also a divorce system we created.To get divorced, simply ask the GM to ban you or your partner. I suggest you go on his character and spam bad words or something of the sort.. Good luck to you!
  3. Fire

    Channel 2 PVP

    hahaha f u
  4. Fire

    Channel 2 PVP

    keep here so more people read it <3, suggestion is more for like server stuff for admins, this is for the players
  5. Fire

    Channel 2 PVP

    If you cannot see pvp map, go to Computer > local c > program files > uninstall Luna AND delete luna folder > reinstall If you do not delete folder, it will not work.
  6. Fire

    Channel 2 PVP

    Point proven.
  7. Fire

    Channel 2 PVP

    Channel 1 pvp is ruled by guild drama. What I mean by this is that if there is a guild of 5+ people there at once, they will just not allow anyone to kill anyone else or just bully lol. PVP map is MEANT FOR KILLING not to stand there and afk lmao. You can’t take it so seriously people, if someone kills you one time it’s like omfg I HAVE TO SPAWN KILL FOR AN HOUR and get my whole guild to kill them as well. That is just ridiculous, pvp is meant for fun and so everyone should be having fun lol. So that is why I propose a set of rules for channel 2 pvp map (hopefully being on ch2 will also decrease lag). No Parties allowed “not killing guildies” rule banned, you can kill whoever you want whenever you want No spawn killing one person for a long period of time No bad language or getting angry No taking game seriously. All skills allowed, no calling people noob or getting angry because someone uses a skill No killing in safe Zone Thanks Fifin for the picture. Safe zone can be used for a number of things: You can party here You can buff and heal You can afk Just sit and talk, lounge around Remember you cannot party outside of this safe zone! I cannot force you to follow these rules, it is called good sportsmanship. If you want something like this, you have to try your best, do your own part. If you follow the rules, others will also start as well. Remember, if you want to bully using party or guild or you want to afk all the time in pvp map, please go to ch1. Everyone is welcome, in fact, everyone please join us! I am tired of going to PVP and not being able to kill you guys because you start spazzing at me. Now if the Admins wanted, they could turn off party in pvp ch2 o.o'...just a thought lol.
  8. "So what I wanna bring up to you guys today is a few suggestions I have: - Maintenance Notifications, a separate tab on the official site telling us when maintenance will happen and what will be done during the maintenance time." They usually DO tell us when there is maintenance. However, lately, there is just random downtime, which cannot be predicted. USUALLY Reid does post and tell us about it, if you are paying attention. Its on the "Server News" part of the forums. http://forum.celesti.../5-server-news/ "Voting Price Decrease, last time I was here you could get 12 GP a day (two times voting) and a Lucky box cost 6 GP. So about 2 lucky boxes a day. What I want is for the prices to drop by 20%. The main reason is that by level 80 you need to make your own equipment, and that is very costly. So cash shop items would be a good way to make fast money for that stuff." Its been a LONG time since that has been the case. A lot of items have been jacked up, like pukes and boxes for a reason. There is already a lot of these items in the game, just buy in game. Raising it up again will cause inflation at the moment, too many people are rich enough. Not to mention that a lot of people illegally vote with many accounts which screws the economy more. You can get pp if you are unhappy with 8 a day. "Gold Chance Increase, the chance of gold dropping an estimate of 70%, that is a low chance I request that the chance be increased to about 85 - 90%, so that equipment is not so seemingly expensive." The drop rate for this server is very low people say compaired to other servers but I wouldn't know. The GOLD RATE is very high, however, if you just get to like the 100+ mobs, you get a pretty good amount just for killing the monster. Not to mention you get a lot of items to sell. "Guild Points, they are a pain to get for early guilds and 1 kill = 1 guild point, whoa, that means 5,000 kills to advance 1 guild level from level 1 - 2. I say 1 kill should equal 3 - 5 guild points, so that the level can be achieved sooner and with more ease." I would have to agree, being a guild leader haha. Leveling a guild is a pain. But then again, this is a chance to show that you are capable of getting a guild up by working together with your guildies. Show that you are capable of leveling a guild just like all the previous guild leaders before you. Either that or just private donate for guild levels, only $15 a level. "Gold Requirements for Leveling Guilds, are WAY to high. until level 5 there is no big problem, but past there is millions. I say decrease the requirements by 50%." LOL are you serious? First things first, getting level 5 will probably never happen to an average guild. Second, if you make it that far, you will have the money, trust me.
  9. antoni, your post is way too long, i didnt read it. This is a suggestion, i am not gona talk about every GM/admins personal life or whatever. The truth is, everyone has a life and are busy in their own day. If they wana do it, they can. As the community we should at least tell them what we want.
  10. Can't make everyone happy, and I am 130+ so i understand. However, something is better than nothing lol. Maybe you can train any alts you have. Trust me, once server is back on after a downtime, people usually flood, not enough time for people to get alts on lol. It literally goes from like 32 to like 400 in like 5-10 minutes.
  11. Yes, that is why I edited to add the "or increase the drop/xp rate for an hour". Official servers chose one or the other, I was just stating both.
  12. i changed it a little, refresh page
  13. If the server crashes and there is "downtime" then I suggest that the admins give us a reward for our patience. Maybe they can give like 100% gift to the first 300 people that log into the game after downtime or increase xp rate/drop rate for the next hour after downserver. This way, downtime will not so upsetting to many of the players but instead a way of anticipating gifts. This would not be the case if there is server maintainence, only when the maps suddenly crash and we all get back screen, which happen now and then. It also says sorry to the people who might only be able to come online at that certain time period or were planning to do something they felt was important. I know that admins always try to do their best, but people always complain anyhow. Just doing this, it shows that the admins care about the common player and the server problems and are wonderful people (LOL). Note that on official servers of other games, they do this, so it's not completely unreasonable. I will appreciate constructive criticism, not sucking up to admins in this thread. Thanks. Please give a green + if you are in support of the idea. Who doesn't love free gifts? Don't forget to share with your friends!
  14. Banter claims ch1 Way of howling map, come fight us for it.
  15. awesome, i love it. I will do it if its a fixed war, not all vs all with ur huge union lol. I don't think its possible to have a lot of guilds all war on each other to make it a real capture. Its hard enough as it is to communicate with other guild leaders. We can start this off by doing fixed wars lol.
  16. Fire

    GuildWar messages

    Thanks, i know there is that option, i even mentioned it on my post man >>; "i realize that you can turn off guild" which made me wonder if you read it at all or not. If you turn off guild you cant communicate with entire guild at once. The point is to get rid of the spam but still be able to use guild chat. At this point, if u start a war, guild chat is pretty much useless which doesn't make much sense to me since you are supposed to war as a guild.
  17. Fire

    GuildWar messages

    I dont think you read my entire post (everything that I wrote), or understand anything i wrote...re-read it very slowly, making sure that each word makes sense to you.
  18. I'd like to suggest moving the [GuildWar] bot out of guild chat and into system messages chat, not in the actual guild chat. This would mean that we would not get spammed with "you have been defeated by ___" or "you are victorious! You defeated ___". Instead, if you have "system message" chat open, you can still see it. This will encourage better communication with all guildies because parties are limited in number of people, and its very inconvenient in war. This will stop the hell load of spam we get...Please support, this is very annoying, especially in big wars. I realize that you can turn off guild and post on assoc, but more and more guilds are becoming union-less in an attempt to get more wars. So this is a good time to implement this. Please show this to your friends if you are in support and tell them to support the cause. Don't forget to click the green + if you want this implemented.
  19. I had a GM friend in my guild a long time ago, she was pretty awesome in wars. I think its just if you know how to play it or not, it definitely takes longer to master than most other classes. It also takes a lot of pricey gear to make it playable...
  20. Maybe ip banning them would mean cutting the playerbase substantially. There's definitely a reason the GM's haven't done this already. I think the problem is that they are just persistent. They can just change ip and come back lol. I don't think that there is a lot of them, just a few that make a ton of chars XD; Would be nice if the GMs made it clear why they don't ip ban or if they did and it doesn't work.
  21. Welcome friend! If you're looking for some company, stop by at Way of Howling Ravine channel 1. We, from Banter, would love to welcome another English speaker. We also have some players from plus who recently joined us, so you'll feel right at home.
  22. more costumes in general = win
  23. Fire


    oo, learn something new everyday, thanks. And i am sorry for my lack of knowledge for what i said lol, I've honestly never seen one crafted.
  24. Fire


    i honestly didnt know hahaha, tarintus = dragon slayer belt? So instead of paying for PP, i can get DRAGON SLAYER BELTS by crafting them? you mean the DRAGON SLAYER ARMOR MASTER? or DRAGON SLAYER WEAPON MASTER? that's awesome. Though I guess that's very rare because i've never seen one.
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