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Everything posted by BIPAY

  1. Ati" PENIPUAN.. jgn percaya sama WEB" pan...
  2. BIPAY


    U must got SS if u wanna report somting to GM.. because no proof no Ban.. ok..
  3. kalo mau jadi Cardinya enak mah, hal yg paling utama LVLnya gedein dulu (145++).. :D :D baru dah maen Bisa enak, maen Full VIT enak, mau maen Balance VIT n INT jg maknyoooss... hehe.. Cardi maen VIT or Balance klo lvl msh kurang, gk enak, hehehe... (prcaya deh sama ane) hehehhee :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. semoga bisa lebih mmbantu... - ke My profile - trus ke, edited Profile (di atas sebelah kanan, gk terlalu pojok) - trus di situ, pilih bagian "signature" (klik) - trus copy paste link image yg km mau... :D :D :D
  5. BIPAY


    lol, but u must to do,.... :D :D :D
  6. ever know this topic... but will be Denied... :D
  7. BIPAY

    Lost Password

  8. BIPAY

    For Log In Box

    so far farr awaayyy... lol :D
  9. iya betuull... waktu itu pernah di post pertanyaan kyk gni tapi udh ilang.. hohohoho...
  10. kalo ane sih mending full VIT (pure+Full), jgn nanggung"... (biar darah tebel PVP n WAR juga jdi Maknyosss) hehehe... cardi mah ngndelin HT doang juga cukup buat Pvp n War, klo skill yg laen mah buat bntu" aja, hehehe.... skill cardi HT max 2142x5= 10k++... :) jadi pluang buat mnang besar.. hehe... (kalo full VIT) gk tau deh klo yg laen, hehe.. :D
  11. coba matiin anti virusnya dulu kalo mau DL, atau gk pas instalasi...
  12. BIPAY

    about cardinal

    used L.Amor i think...
  13. Party'an aja sama orang... hehehhe...
  14. i think he/she first time for join on forum... :D
  15. BIPAY

    A very nice idea

    not hard for lvl up in this game... i think will be DENIED... :)
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