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Everything posted by Akcent

  1. Y! щ(゚Д゚щ) THERE IS SOME THINGS IN THIS WORLD THAT I'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND. But... yeaaaaah.... Welcome to you Shy! and I hope you'll enjoy our "somewhat" colorful community!
  2. Akcent

    Now Playing???

    ^What a hottie. n_n;
  3. Akcent

    Now Playing???

    @Dear: Wasn't too sure if that was a good thing. lmao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw_tIXKbSSw
  4. lol @ Eduu's new forum name.
  5. I don't recall posting half-naked guys getting it on.
  6. That awkward moment when no one feels like posting after seeing a mildly pornographic picture.
  7. I don't mind vocaloid too much. xP I don't know, they just seem too dumb in my opinion. I still like a few, and believe they can be cute in pictures sometimes... but yeah.
  8. 150 is way too high. You can get a few levels, but there's no way you'll be able to make your Character become level 150 by donating. Also, If you want more information about donating, log on our IRC channel and send a private message to "Sparx". He's usually the one helping with Private Donations.
  9. Is it a bad thing? Personally, I can't stand anime girls. They're annoying.
  10. Akcent

    Now Playing???

    @Kick Butt: Em... ? Thank you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoEQ8u_m_-Y&hd=1 Freaking addicted to that song.
  11. ^You know... this is why I love ya. =P
  12. ^Isn't it always? ;] By the way, awesome signature. =D
  13. NGGGHHHNNN *Hugs Pandah tightly while she glares at Eduu* Let's do this, babe! Edit: I didn't know the picture was THAT huge. o_o
  14. No. Unless you're ready to say bye to your junk.
  15. I'm glad you enjoy the site. lmfao The pictures are awesome. How I love me some HQ pictures!
  16. Pandah, have you noticed that whenever we have the chance, we turn this thread gay? =P
  17. Holy cheese your avatar. That is all.
  18. Okay. It's official. The guy with the brown hair is sooooooooooooooooo fine.
  19. ^IT'S NOT? I thought it was him as well. lol Yay for rape face.
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