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Everything posted by Akcent

  1. Favoloso!

    1. Akcent


      "shoutbot> User lutfisabil banned for reason 'real currency trading'"

      You know, you could've sent me a private message instead.

    2. BlackRavine


      long time no see akcent how are u ^_^ sorry for never message you coz my mom don't let me touch my computer coz test to a high school ^_^(although it's not excuse LOL)

  2. Best of luck to you, Eucharist. I hope you had a great time playing Celestia Luna, and that we will see you again sometime. Take care of yourself!
  3. It should be 'celiasky00', am I right? I simply searched for your I.P address, and it gave me the only related account. When I.P addresses fails, we can find an ID by searching for a character's name on the specific account as well.
  4. @Eduu: It looks freaking sick. Watched reviews, and all that, then I decided to buy it. I love how the combat system looks like, It's new to me - and I can't wait to try it. Delivery Estimate: Dec 21 2011 - Jan 6 2012 Ahem... And lol... it kind of is. I just wish the rules of gravity would still apply in doax2. If you know what I mean. xD @Pandah: I still love you.
  5. A guilty pleasure is not sexual or anything... And lol.
  6. o_O; I'm confused about what Queen meant there. Girl, are you sure you know what it actually means? @Eduu: Well, you heard about Xtreme? Yeeeaaahhh... yeeaaahhh... It's kind of retarded, but I enjoy playing it from time to time. T____T; The achievements take forever to get though - It is time consuming... lol Just wondering, do you know what Blazblue is?
  7. A guilty pleasure is something that you should usually be ashamed to admit you like. =P And geez, don't you have a job?
  8. ? Why not? Because it costs money? lol
  9. No no no! You must find a way! I'm begging you. щ(゚Д゚щ) It would be awesome to play on live with you. And kick your butt, repeatedly.
  10. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU DO?! O: I loooooove that game. I'm getting it soon! I thought you didn't have a 360 though?
  11. @TheQueen: wat Are you sure you've bought from there or anything? It's a great site. There is bad people all over the internet anyway, you just gotta be careful. >_>; I won't go and buy from a seller with really bad feedback. @Eduu: Dead or Alive 3. Have you played the series? It's filled with fanservice, but man I love it. Some would say it's a guilty pleasure thing. P:
  12. Akcent

    Now Playing???

    Sigh, the Off Topic section is definitely not really active nowadays. Makes me sad a little. ): http://youtu.be/E3NUJ4I6K_o I'm so obsessed with dARI! Oh my!
  13. Just ordered something from Amazon (online) for the first time, let's see how it goes! There is just certain things you really cannot find here. ._.;
  14. No, I only meant that for the kill-stealing reports, as it's fairly easy to make fake ones. And sure, it can look a bit suspicious sometimes, but our players should be able to stay anonymous; just not in those type of reports. They wouldn't dare lying. Another reason to keep the warning rule. I won't care if we'll keep it or not, but like I've said, people shouldn't be able to censor their screenshots, no matter what will be the choice.
  15. You already know it's not my cup of tea. Plus, you always end up not replying back, so I just log off. x_X;
  16. Mh, I do not agree (by the way, the second option in the poll makes it look like we can't disagree). I think warnings are important when it comes to kill-stealing reports; it shows the player is at least trying to make the offender stop. If people won't need warnings anymore, it will be even easier to make fake reports. Follow the person you want to be banned, attack their monsters, and spam your F12 key. In my opinion, the warnings rule should be kept, but people would not be allowed to censor their names in kill-stealing reports anymore. Lying to us would come with a nice price. Also, I don't even see any problems with the fact that spot-claiming reports doesn't need any warnings, and kill-stealing reports does. They're two different things. Sure, they're both selfish, but for some reason... I see spot-claimers in another way.
  17. Wait... wait... she made you a signature with Cloud on it, but does not know what Final Fantasy is? =S
  18. Akcent

    Now Playing???

    @QueenOfHeavens: I think I'm a little envious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4hmAvNQN6o
  19. I've only played Final Fantasy X-2, as I own it. So, maybe the series has changed a bit since; though, It's not like I'm interested anyway. The game does look nice, has a fairly good plot, and the cutscenes were pleasant to watch, but like I've said, the combat system, ugh... It feels so sluggish to me... I just dislike waiting for my characters to attack. I think it is probably due to the fact I'm so used to play fast-paced games.
  20. Final Fantasy definitely has enjoyable graphics, but the turn-based combat system ruin the games for me.
  21. Akcent

    Now Playing???

    Thousand Foot Krutch - Watching Over Me
  22. Really? It's bad? You know why I've quit anyway. x3 What are the games you're playing to?
  23. Akcent

    Omfg o.o

    Since this is the internet, you might just have to get used to it. That doesn't mean I don't find it creepy though. I'm fine with guys who uses female characters, and vice versa, as long as they don't claim to be the opposite gender.
  24. Akcent

    Sir I need help

    It should be only three days. If it's not the case, then you'll have to find who banned you, because they made a mistake. If this can help, it wasn't me. I'd say, it's probably Laurel or Reid.
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