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Everything posted by deviledgoddess1

  1. ok, i was just in dd and my pet lvled. What I saw on the screen was that my pet was lvl 20 then when it lvled I saw it was lvl 25.
  2. Also i can't evolve my lvl 20 pet. Is there a pet limit?
  3. I can't remove the skills from my pets into my inventory. I also can't remove the costumes i bought with pp and gears. Is this normal?
  4. Yay, thank you so much it worked! :)
  5. deviledgoddess1


    Sorry I'm new and I do not know where to post this. My friend and I went to DD and he told me he dc and I was stuck in DD assuming it would automatically teleport me out like usual and I waited forever and still nothing so I went to the character select screen and it keeps saying the server is off please check the website's bulletin. I've tried to exit Luna and relog now like 10 times, but it's still saying the same thing. I can log onto all of my other characters perfectly fine. Please help. Thank you.
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