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Posts posted by Fortune


    I felt my pdef and PA ain't good enough since people say magnus is the most balance Pa and Pdef


    those people refer to 1hand magnus i believe


    with same equipment, u will get better pa with SM, but lower pdeff.

    if, u are looking for balanced type, u should stick with magnus, just change from dual wield axe to 2 hand axe. or 1 hand axe.

  2. 1. Never pay attention to the skills used lol


    2. the single thing that will affect drop chance and exp rate is the amount of damage u/ur party inflicted to that monster. (and extortion skill)


    3. destro or human entrapper


    4. i dunno


    5. as he said


    6. solo, im not planning to share my loot to anyone lol.





  3. There are 2 maintreams path for magnus


    knight - magnus > for 2 handed wepaon, more of a hitter becuz u get solid weapon here

    phalanx - magnus > for 1 handed weapon, tanker build, u get higher HAE from this path


    1. answered


    2 and 3. do dex if u are opting for using axe over sword.


    4. ????


    5 - 6. answered.

  4. Kalo pada ngehunt dimana yak? kog perasaan goldnya bisa banyak, lah saya maen sampe lvl 97 gold ga pernah nyampe 90jt, newbie mulai dari nol.. Thanks ^_^


    d nera harbor, d situ sumber pendapatan para farmer...  :)




    Nanya dong

    kmrn saya nge hunt pake char magnus, trs off

    pas mau off, equipmentnya masih full smua

    trs pas on lagi ada yg hilang, itu kira kira bisa dibalikin ga ya?

    ga saya jual ataupun kasih org itu equipmentnya

    id sm pass juga ga ada yg tau selain diri sendiri

    mohon bantuannya :D


    kalo bug mungkin bisa d laporkan..

    tapi kalo bukan bug, GM g bakal ngembaliin item" yg hilang...  (udah pernah terjadi sebelumnya kasus begini)

  5. Mahal si mahal, masalahnya SIAPA YANG MAU PAKE..

    Maksudku, jarang yg mau pake gituan.

    Terus sebenernya kalo armor mu craft str nya 20+ ato 24 bisa. itu bisa mahal. 

    Cuma karena bad craft, jadi nurun harganya.


    lah punya dia craft nya 21 STR tuh... 

    apa sy salah baca o_O


    yg main fighter eva udah aga jarang, jadi g banyak peminat, imbasnya harga turun...

    mungkin sih...

  6. When pvp or hunting I noticed when you use stun or other debuff even you miss but effect still active if you change to if you miss stun effect shouldn't be affect no matter how percent chance this make rouge player get more benefit with Eva item because Eva item really high price but somehow is useless. For non missed skill either decrease stun chance or stun delay it will more good with Eva player. Some stat should help decrease some debuff effect such as vit decrease stun delay, int reduce some magic delay like cast foil. For melee class all cast skill like shield boomerang should decease some range, so that make range class like AR more dangerous it will make more caution to melee player, it like bT vs ar and ar just die really fast because shield skill cast toooooo fast. Some strategy like rouge now they can't use stealth from kynee anymore since some path doesn't have based skill, you should think how lack of hp and def in rouge or Mage class that would be more fun if rouge and use stealth from kynee now skill from player will be needed not just depend who use stun faster and win. Stun skill is really too good yes if max stun skill and get 5 secs stun oh yeah I know what combo to kill my enemy stun then use 2 attack skills then stun again and again if vit can reduce stun delay it will surprise opponent and they really have no idea when stun will be over da tahh more excited. However this just my thought I know it is impossible to change but I just wanna post here



    first of all, have u ever heard of "enter" button??  o_O


    second of all, im getting assumption that you are a rogue player, lol...



    eva items being expensive has its own reason...

    not only rogues can use eva build. there mage eva and fighter eva out there.

    plus, its not really that expensive.

    15 evas price is equal to 24 str/24 vit items...  (2-3b)







    i forgot what i want to say next, but re-reading that post of urs is just too much for me  x_x

    • Upvote 1
  7. so, what are you suggesting really??


    u want GMs to take part in deciding market price??  tsk




    IF u really are an old player, u will notice that not all items' price go up, some of them actually become cheaper...

    BWL for instance...

    it used to be much more expensive.

    as well as HB and V set.  they were 8-9b for clean. now u can get it around 6b.

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