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Everything posted by Synical

  1. You could fix the "lack of beginners gold" by actually starting off with an amount of gold. By the way, I totally agree with this post.
  2. Synical


    Hear me out, please. I noticed you use IRC Chat. Ever thought of using a global shout box? It would help a lot for people to contact online Moderators/GMs/Webmasters/Admins. Also, you can only use the shoutbox if you have 300 posts. Thanks for reading.
  3. I'd like to know too. But apparently you can check on the website. o-o
  4. Hello Celestia Luna Forums! I'm a new...poster, let's say, from GPotato. Unfortunately it shut down, but you know that already. When it comes to posting in the forums, I usually post in the support, questions, report, general discussion, and media forums, so most of my posts will be there. But about myself, I have a very good sense of humor, and make my friends in 9th grade, laugh ALL THE TIME. I'm considered the "class clown". I'm 15 and living in Vietnam. I'm actually American, but we moved to Vietnam, so yeah. I'm faint-hearted, so I can't watch scary stuff/gory stuff/supernatural stuff. I'm outgoing though, so I can make friends really easily. Will you be my friend? I've moderated forums, done a wiki on a different server and a lot of "cost saving" online stuff. I do low resolution imaging and recordings. I take decent photographs and screenshots. I'm single and I don't really need to have a love-life right now. So enough about me, i'm sure I have more in my head to say, but this is all off the top of my head. - IF you read all of this, you're awesome. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in-game. BAAAI!
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