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Posts posted by Ascension

  1. lol madam, its been 3 years i think since Reid said an update would come, no flaming. and i can see the outcome of it since 3k players are playing and now down to 800 people merely bots? i think. and overpowered PD users. makes the game more imbalance i think u should check on that too.


    good pm.

    I already peek what they do.. ._. i keep stalking Orange for those 2 new features :x
  2. Sometimes if you heal other player, that player will crashed~ It happened to me and my friends too.. And try to move few steps before buffing. Not only at DD map, its happen everytime you just spawned at new map

  3. Im lv 95 now and i can't do Nera Harbor x-x

    I haven't strong clothes :I

    You can.. Just 1 vs 1, dont argo... And if you mage, careful with pirates. They stun you and hit you hard. Also, that archer will decrease your casting speed
  4. Magnus for me.. More if you dueling rogue with huge eva :/ Just spam RI... Destro have FB, but its close ranged. Rogue can stun destro with Shield Boomerang 1st and blast you with Hunter Blast.

  5. haha, tergantung lingkungan juga kan..


    biasanya sih kalo warnetnya 'bener' mah, akan ada banyak stempel/aturan" yg ditempel didindingnya, tpi itupun kalo dibaca ama usernya  :blink: 

    itu dh. kadang warnet nakal masang keylogger
  6. There was inventory issues that item can't be saved on our inventory. Thats why server down, they was fixing it. Next time don't do any buying/selling when server have issues. Try to provide your ID you use to buy that item so GM can check it

  7. kebanyakan yg kya gitu sih rata" msh anak kecil yg ikut"an main cz ada game ginian di net,

    trus main asal main aja, ga pake baca" rules yg beredar,

    imho, ane juga main dulu baru beberapa waktu kemudian mulai baca" rules gamenya  :P 

    Sebenarnya pihak warnet harus ikut sosialisasi masalah aturan2 umum game online. tp bnyk operator warnet yg nakal
  8. But the DoT's (Damage Over Time) Attacks, dude! It hit me like 300-500 damage per second because of burning effect, so Defense is almost useless...And Stuns from Wookisses really hit me hard XD

    Well, dont count skill's effects. even with huge p.def and evasion you will still get it. I just spam stun on wookiss :3
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