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Posts posted by Reptopry

  1. Look at this. Another topic just like the rest. If the game is down, it's not the end of the world, just go outside (pfft, what's that?)

    Or, you can just be patient like all the other players.

  2. I didn't read all the post above cause I'm too lazy but, I would just say that increasing fairly the amount of DDs per day should do the trick. 20-25 would be best.

    Do you even play anymore Access?

    But still, the DDs are fine at the amount per day already


  3. My desktop :) kinda simple... i'm used to add too much details like using rainmeter,docks(ex. rocket and vienna)  but i realized i can have something simple yet satisfying for me.



    Wow, that's so cool!

    Did you make that yourself?

  4. Welcome! I hope you're not spamming random stuff into that megaphone like your name suggests tho D:

    Berry, That's exactly what I do :)

    But I will say, I haven't done it in a long time.

    So, I suppose for the time being I'm not

  5. Hey guys, I've been playing for a while now, and I've noticed the lack of time I've spent on these wonderful forums. So from here on out, I will make a push to be on the forums helping as much as I can, or just talking to those you want to talk about anything really.




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