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Posts posted by outboxer

  1. So lately I've noticed my friends getting Dc'ed or Debugged while in Nera Harbor. At first I thought they were just completely random. Then I started paying a bit more attention to my actions. I was tanking as they were pretty much killing. Sometimes the monsters would re-target on them an they would get down to very low Hp, so I would heal them when my pet. Once my pet completed its action, they would get DC'ed almost every single time. I'm not sure what the cause of this is, but I have stopped healing them to prevent them getting DC'ed

    Also, I have noticed the moment you step into a DD arena and try to buff yourself without moving yet, you will get debugged. I've seen this happen to myself 8/10 times. I'm not sure if it happens to other people, but to prevent this I just never buff myself while in there cause not always but at times it kicks me right after using an action. I Would recommend buffing yourself before going into a DD.

    I'm hoping this helps someone if they're having the same issue and don't seem what's going wrong.

    this happened to me alot of times usually when using pet healing skill to other players
  2. Hi, I'm a nooblet started playing..


    I was wondering if there is a cap for dungeon dating, I've been dungeon dating from level 80-85 the whole day with no problem, but I can't do it anymore, any details?

    Also, I am a knight going to be a destroyer, and I'm having a hard time fighting the knights and horses in Ghost Tree Swamp as an alternative(I have a full VIT build), any tips or advice? I'm only using level 75 equips, because I don't know how to get the good equipment sets for knight :-( other than lucky boxes

    Go howling cave 2nd floor for leveling.. If you have enough money at least 50m above learn to make high guality ruby then sell it for8-10m/slot.. If you can do this over and over again you will have enough money to buy clean lvl80+ set either berserker set or 7 guardian set..
  3. Which one gives more physical defense? [level 115 light armor, shoes [vit craft] + Vestige Set] or [level 115 light armor set [vit craft] + legend of chivalry necklace]? thanks in advance!

  4. 1.)before you start farming, you need to kill ice heart's owner, snowstorm master, blue beard captain, blue beard pirate and the other blue beard pirate the one without shoes using single target skills. 

    2.)start farming you will notice that the items (the trash you all talking about) will stack together (high mana's water, high fairy's powder etc.)from bag 1 and 2

    3.)the only problem is starting from the 3rd bag the items (the trash) will become messy again but sometimes it doesnt so to fix this, drag the items to one another before hunting again..

  5. I like PSX 1.13fin emulator easiest way to play old school games from ps1 if you dont have the console anymore no need to configure just download a game or if you have the cd you can use it. There is a bunch of emulator for those who likes to play ps1 games for retrogamers.

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