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Everything posted by master14

  1. sorry bro, udah tau kenapa ke ban, bisa tolong di closed?
  2. i think its not right to ban me, im not selling anyting or buying anything in real money, what i do is just yelled to buy your own because SindyBeRe keep asking me and spam at me to give him gold and weapon, even if i say "i dont have anything". rules= "RMT (Real Money Trading) = Melakukan kesepakatan dengan menggunakan uang yang sesungguhnya, dan ini Dilarang. Hukuman berupa Banned Permanen." things clear here, i will get banned if i have deal to use real money, the real case i just yelled people to buy your own and i dont break the rules, so GM should have un-ban my id (master14), or give me better reasonable evidence/report to ban my id because of rmt. "the truth will always win" have a nice day and hope everything will be clear. ^^
  3. i was being banned because of rmt, but the report is unreasonable for me. its a misscomunication by the report. in the picture i was asking someone to stop asking me for money (i mention to buy gold or donate or something), but i dont buy any gold or selling anything, u can see in this picture id= lemonsoda http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/27862-multi-report/?hl=lemonsoda
  4. i was being banned because of rmt, but the report
  5. ID= Master14 saya tidak merasa melanggar peraturan yang ada di luna celestia tapi id saya ke ban tanpa alasan, bisa dibantu?
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