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Posts posted by OrigamiOrigaming

  1. Uhm... I've seen char reports about pk bugs, but I haven't touched PK mode yet, what is wrong with it that there is a specific report type for PK leveling?

  2. Nah, it's in the Off-Topic section, you're good. 


    In any case, I sincerely hope you do what you want to do in the end, and things work out. Keep us updated! ^_^


    Oh, don't worry, if world war 3 doesn't break out this year it's because we agreed I was right. If it DOES break out... I blame black holes.

  3. I wasn't aware most of the universities in your country were free, that being the case she should really let you decide haha :)




    Are you a legal adult yet? Either way, only you can make the final decision, she can't force you to go to a school you don't want to go to. Just tell her you have your own plans for your life, and you will be the one to reap the benefts/consequences of such a decision, so it's ultimately you who should decide where you go and what you do. 

    Here in Brazil, the legal age for being an adult is 18 (including for driving, drinking and getting arrested, rofl) and I HAVE spoke to her one hundred million times. I mean, really, I know she normally wants the best for me like all parents say they do, but this is a decision I WANT to take. If I make mistakes, good, and if I get it right, also just as good.


    I have plenty of examples around my family AND herself who managed to live a great life without ever having a badass university on their backs. In fact, only my friends have these multi-millionaire-billionaire results from their parents and such, but they're all REALLY stressed people, I don't want that Q.Q


    Aaaaanyhow. I love my mother, but I can't stand her way of saying "I am your mother, I know some things that you don't, why not just follow some advice?" then I'm like sure thing, but not THIS advice ._. Result: She rages, complains and says I'm not studying enough (although she knows I worked my whole study life last year for the enrollment test [is this what's it called in English??? Not sure about the translation, haha] and my grades were basically an A, just not an A+)


    I shall never understand two things in life: My mother and black holes. My mother for obvious reasons and black holes because they convert matter to energy, but if you try to build a power plant out of them it will be converted into energy, but you won't be able to use it Q.Q

    Well, I'm sort of glad I could get this off my chest, guys, really xD but now I'm fine about it.


    Btw, rants include this sort of stuff, right O-o? Or were them supposed to be ingame trouble only?

  4. I don't know, are you the one who's going to pay for the university tuition? Depending on where you go, it could be well over $100,000 in the four year cycle. 


    If she's paying for it, she should have a big say in where you go, but I think you should be able to choose your own major when you get there. 

    Money ain't the thing, here in my country, the best universities are free, but require good grades.


    And in fact, she effectively wants me to go to an expensive university (an exception, I know it is a really good place) but I can't seem to accept that she wants to pay it AND that she doesn't want me to even have a voice on the decision.


  5. Gosh, I'm supposed to get into university this year, okay.

    But REALLY MOM. It's simpky beyond me how can you be so annoying... She wants me to do whatever the hell she thinks is right, and now I can't even choose my *****ng university, god dammit. So what if you think it's bad, I'm the student, I know what the hell I want, I know what place suits me better.

    She's even using my computer as opposed to hers to try and get me into where she wants, all because my email is already open here.

    Well, I don't give a single duck about it. No chickens, no birds, no seagulls given. Not a single flying bird given.

  6. Okay so... I may be one of the very few people who do this.... But I find it awesome and entertaining to play a game for the sake of it's storyline...

    Although I do know that it is really hard to ( I have tried thinking of options myself) would it be possible to make a journal with your progress in the game as you lvl up or something like a narration in the system chat such as "And so <charactername> arrives at Tarintus village... But finds unexpected guests..."

    Yeah, it would be a REALLY time taking activity and would only make the game better for those who really care about storylines and such. However, I sometimes lack motivation to kill mobs mindlessly, lolololololol.

    It would be nice to see "As <char name> approached Nera harbor, his blade/axe/mace/wand/staff seemed to thirst for blood" if the game detected that you had been farming for a while in there.

    Then again, I might be one in a thousand, I still think it is important xD

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  7. For the sake of testing (even though people HAVE told me about the lack of class bonuses and etc) I'd like to try out a full path xD

    I mean, it cant be that bad, can it?

    Anyhow, i am not following a guide from here, I only had a random idea and made the class path, now I feel rather lost xD so I don't know if my question should be in here or in the guides section, get it ^.^?

  8. No, whoever that Hydist is, I like his name!!

    I speak MOSTLY english, but I am also able to understand spanish and am effectively fluent on portuguese xD

    I also know some of the sounds from korean letters, but don't know how to speak korean, rofl.

    Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome ^.^ hope to see you all ingame!

  9. Just curious here, I'm currently playing an Inquirer and am almost lvl 105, although I intend to take Soul Arbiter, I'm not entirely sure which skills should I max first or last, do I ask it here or on the guide section??

    Any advice :p?

  10. hmm, I hope this one can be Suggested too... almost all Guides from Old Players are saying to use Re-skill and Re-Stat

    however these Old Guides maded because long ago we can Vote on lvl80, so we can get enough points on lvl105 to buy Re-skill or Re-stat. XD

    I hope we can get Re-Skill and Re-Stat on lvl105 or as Quest Gift after change Job, but those Re-Skill and Re-Stat cannot be Stored to werehouse and cannot be Traded to other players/characters nor even can be selled as Booth... :3

    sorry, if this kind of Out of Topic... >_<

    Oh, So THAT'S why. In that case, my issue is precisely because I drifted a bit far from a character build I was testing so now I need the scrolls :P would be really nice if a mod could move this to suggestions in that case ^.^

    In the original servers, I know people used to get those at lvl 75 job change, but i believe that would be a biiiit to early here...

    On the lvl 105 Job Change (JC) quest, the items could be given as reward, much like the weapons we get on lvl 20 JC's. I do not have ANY idea if this is too complicated, but if it were possible, is there any chance it could be implemented?

  11. Hello there, celestians, lunatics and pinoy people who I can't communicate with, but wish I could!

    I played Luna exclusively on the original servers until the Plus update came and destroyed my life, along with my favorite game... But that is now past!

    I have known about the existance of Celestia since a long time, but never really was a fan of private servers (In fact, still am a bit picky about them xD) however, with four years thrown into the nothinghood, I had to finally accept: I need to play Luna. I need a good private server...

    That's how I eventually got into here!

    Well, I like music, I write some poetry and I like hybrid dmg/def type characters, and thus, my current main is an Inquirer VIT/INT (who I already plan to retire for a while, hit Nera Harbor recently and have died twice due to bad connection causing me to wander into mob groups and get stun-locked \o/)

    My personality? I'd say weird... No, I'd say unexpectable. Yeah, I'm definitely an open book, but with many tiny letters between the tiny lines hehe.

    I'm not usually talkative irl, but in the internet, I loosen up a bit. I'm from Brazil, but I DO NOT LIKE SOCCER!!!!! I generally will stand together with those who seek change and those who seek unique stuff to be or to do. If the normal logic says a rogue should not be built full INT, then I believe that it is possible until proven wrong (just an example, rofl)

    My current state is that of afk fishing more than grinding / farming, and I'm trying to get my younger brother (only 5, but really brilliant for his age, although he isn't a gifted child or anything, lol) to play along with me, maybe. Oh, I'm currently 18 and I seem to have spammed however much was available in here...

    Was I too detailed?

    Hehehehe, I got carried away ^.^

    Anyhow, cheers for everyone! Hope to meet some of you ingame ^.^

    PS.: I really love to talk in the internet, but it's hard to stop me after I start, so beware of that if you begin chit-chatting :p

    PSS .: Pinkie Pie. Do NOT try to convert me. I love Pinkie Pie.

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