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Status Updates posted by |Z|

  1. uh, im still dizzy. Where am i? @_@

  2. waa.. Skarang lg ga bs donate.. Haha.. Cb tanya sparx, siapa tw dy ad.. Pake bhs inggris..

  3. waduh.. Saya blom ada tabungan d bank.. Paypal jg blm ada.. ._.a

  4. weh.. Ntar dah kl sempet.. Eh, ktnya ada kartu kredit yg prepaid.. Kt akcent

  5. Well, maybe its juz my connection >< Poor..

  6. well.. 2nd to comment.. :p

  7. what the heck!? my rep ish doubled :O

  8. whats that .banhammer line again? gosh i miss the trollbot

  9. who am I? :3

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. ๖ۣۜ‍Simplicity


      I wont D:

      -kills myself-

    3. |Z|


      You can't die you're a zombieh nao.. XD

    4. ๖ۣۜ‍Simplicity


      I can I just need to shoot my head e.e

  10. Whoa!! The One True Evil!!

  11. Whoa.. I like your avvy.. :3

  12. whoa.. Last boss of rpg games..!!

  13. Why r u always in my imagination?

  14. woot woot.. X3

  15. Wut happened to your siggy? O.o

  16. yang bnr? Aq baru kmaren ol.. Jam 9an.. Tapi pas udah logout, d forum lgsg ada info dc ktny.. Wkwk..

  17. yeah. I know. he pm'd me. Ill try to be on as often as I can then

  18. you reminds me of garfield.. :3

  19. youre really evil.. DX

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