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About 313M3NT0R

  • Birthday 12/02/1994

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    Depends on my mood.

313M3NT0R's Achievements


Freshman (1/9)



  1. So, as the title says. After donating and getting the items that I so desired, I was using extra points to get exp scrolls when needed. The only problem was, it was having trouble actually getting them. It would say that I successfully bought the item, but then I'd go in-game and it wasn't in the item mall storage. I tried again and it worked. I thought to myself, "this is probably a one time thing; 5 points won't matter to me that much." But then it happened again. I'm kind of afraid of doing it again because I don't know whether or not I'll have to waste any points to actually get the 100% exp scroll. Has this happened to anyone else? And will I be able to get my 10 wasted premium points back? Please reply. Thanks in advance! ~PandaReaper
  2. Yes...I do have quite a bit of characters. And I would delete them, except I might want to go back to the character so I leave it there >.<. Although I could delete a few from the first 5 and create new ones since I hardly ever play on that account anymore... I'll do that when I get bored....
  3. Hi there...I've been playing this game for a long time and I thought I might as well introduce myself since I haven't already... My name is Tyler, and I love playing MMORPG's. I've been playing them for a while, bouncing from certain ones, and I ended up back here! I love it here, Luna is a really fun game to play, and hard to stop... >.> I was playing on Flyff private servers before this, but then I moved back here since I was getting bored of them. And quite honestly this is like...the only private server of Luna Online that actually works...so props to...the people being able to keep it up after all this time ^_^ As I said, I've been playing for a while. I took a break for a LONG time, and when I came back on my old account I found a Lv99 Inquirer, Lv84-86 Assassin, and 3 other characters above Lv75...except for a Lv61 fail Archer lol... Besides that I have another account with a highest level of...84? I can't remember. I've never got a character to Lv105 yet, mostly because I get bored with characters pretty quickly and end up making a BUNCH of new ones lol. If anyone wants to help me get my now Lv101 Inquirer to Lv105, let me know, that'd be awesome! Or my Lv84 Treasure Hunter....or my Lv75 Bishop LOL whatever I feel like playing on >.> But....yea that's pretty much all about me in a nutshell that has to do with this game...I might reply after this with other more 'personal' things, but not now! For later, yesh. P.S.: The 3 characters depicted above are all female. I know I'm a guy...but for some reason on video games I like to make the player in the game female...I do have a bunch of Male characters, and if you want to, like, request DDing with me, probably just PM me with character name and level and gender and I'll see if I can contact you in-game. That, and I'll probably end up posting all my character's names in my signature...once I remember all of them >.>
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