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Try Before you Buy Services


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Ever want to try on a costume before buying it? Sure there are pictures but sometimes it’s different wearing the costume in game and moving around (trust me, there is a difference)! So I will give you a chance to try on the costume, all you have to do is provide collateral. This means you have to give me a costume in exchange or something of equal value. We must trade back; you cannot buy any costumes from me. Right now, I have all the costume TOPS only, not the other stuff (boots, gloves, hair, etc.). Feel free to donate to me the boots, gloves, hair, etc. so this project goes better. You must post here on this thread in order to try a costume on.


Proposal: Have someone with all private donate costumes so they can also give people to try on before they purchase. This means, if they are thinking about buying something using private donate, they can come to me and try stuff on instead of having to go to ask to see and then not buy (or however it works). If they steal, you can ban. You can also have them run around with private donate stuff and persuade people to buy. [This is of course, if and when private donations are back]. If this goes well, we can have people try on other stuff before purchase. This will encourage more people to private donate as well.

Other Items Perhaps in the Future

If things work out, perhaps we can have other things to let other people to try on.

I wasn't sure if i should post on market or not, because I am not actually selling anything.

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