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Everything posted by fznFailed

  1. gm can check back my id? pls Im sure I do not make mistakes
  2. I just knew that my id banned , my computer is broken gm at the time, and I have exams in March , sorry bad english T_T I want to play again gm
  3. fznFailed

    To Gm Orange

    gm orange why u banned my id ?? id : masohi1996
  4. fznFailed

    Why U Banned

    oke tyy just ask , itis my friend heheh
  5. fznFailed

    Why U Banned

    gm why u banned id :frankyggh1 ???
  6. someone , help me please T_T
  7. im forget my ID T_T , gm please help me, I forgot my id. IGN : xTroy i want to play celestialuna again ^_^ please help me gm
  8. gm open my id please id: mrviii50 i say spot at grave hehehehe
  9. gm why u banned my char?? IGN : KSKSFREAK i shout trade my ds weapon patk 18.1 +1.5b to your ds weapon patk 19++ . banned T_T
  10. gan mau tanya nih kalo job SM pake genocide [c]str bagus ga ????? terus ngambil skill apa aja buat nyerangnya ?? thnks.
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