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Everything posted by Tenshi

  1. Tenshi

    Show Yourself!

    As much as I adore Mush and his censored penises, I still have to go with Tani 'cause my manliness tells me to.
  2. Tenshi

    Show Yourself!

    ^ Yay, I'm not alone. hey der qt we cn hav a gud tiem if u no wut i sayin EDIT: WOW, WELL PLAYED, FORUM, WELL PLAYED.
  3. Tenshi


    Unless you meant Durelin, they give different defenses, so it depends on what kind of defense you're looking for. If you want Physical Defense, go with Opal (since it also gives HP like Seraphyre said). If you want Magical Defense, go with Argentum. If you want straight up Physical Defense, go with Durelin.
  4. Tenshi

    KPOP!? :o

    No wonder it looked familiar. As soon as I saw it, I immediately thought of ^.
  5. Tenshi

    KPOP!? :o

  6. Tenshi

    KPOP!? :o

  7. Tenshi

    KPOP!? :o

    Those braids. That (MV) hair. I just can't. Wedding Dress to this. Three years is a long time, yo. Sick dance though.
  8. Tenshi

    Refined Flour

  9. Chillin' with my new panda friend.
  10. Tenshi

    Now Playing???

    All day, e'ry day.
  11. Tenshi

    Show Yourself!

    Mush, you silly goose, you. I'll be honest and say that I immediately thought it was a penis.
  12. Tenshi

    Some People...

    wat no How did you get that out of what I said?
  13. Tenshi

    Some People...

    Considering that he never responded to me when I simply tried talking to him and that he eventually blocked whispering, I'm pretty sure he never intended to pay. But y'know what? It's cool. I believe in karma for a reason, and there are reasons why I love some people more than others. So it's cool.
  14. Tenshi

    Some People...

    As appealing as that sounds, I'd rather not stoop to a level lower than him. Thank you for the offer though~. How can I trust your advice? amidoinitrite But yeah, that would have been a good idea. Too bad I'm not smart. ┐(´ー`)┌
  15. Tenshi

    Some People...

    ... r juz 2 sad, i cri evritiem. On a more serious note, I figured I'd vent my feelings here since I am butthurt. Before I begin, I'd just like to say that I realize part of this is my own fault for believing that there's some good in everyone, but that is obviously not the case. So here's the sitch, Wade. I bought these glasses from this guy (let's call him "x(B*Forth)" by factoring out the x) for quite a hefty price. That part went smoothly. The next day, I believe it was, I see the same person shouting that he's buying an 18+ P.A. Eros. I just so happened to be browsing through NC3 at the time, and I had found such an item being sold in one of the shops. Being the nice person that I am, I decided to inform him of such. It turns out he didn't have enough, so he asked if I could buy it for him. Since I'm such a gullible nice person, and since I happened to have enough at the time, I kindly agreed to do so. He paid me what he had, and I said he could pay the rest later. Couple days passed. I see him shouting again. He's buying an Aias +12. For more than what he owes. ok I decide to ask him about it, subtly hinting at the debt he has ("Why don't you just pay me now? Lol."). His response? "It's for my brother." ok I ask him why his brother isn't buying it. He logs off. Alright then. At this point, I'm getting a little bit antsy. Eventually, I just straight up ask him whether he was going to pay or not. x(B*Forth): no Me: And why not? x(B*Forth): what ever >.< (╮°□°)╮┬──┬ (╯°□°)╯彡┻━┻ Some people. Not sure if this helped, or whether I'm just more irritated from League, but I'm too tired to care either way now. Hope you enjoyed the story.
  16. That sounds delightful. I'm assuming you're not on right now since I just shouted for you but got no reply. I can invite now if you want. What're your other characters' names?
  17. I actually need 110 for the flowers, which makes me even more lazy. And I'm DD'ing with myself to get more points for the guild, as boring as it is. Also, I'm poor now, so it wouldn't matter either way. \:D/
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