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Posts posted by -green-

  1. really ? i've found there's no significant changes while i used p.a philo when my stats is full str, and when i changed into full dex, it has significant changes into my p.a (with same p.a philoed gears)

  2. gan mau tanya nih

    kalo job SM pake genocide [c]str bagus ga ????? terus ngambil skill apa aja buat nyerangnya ??


    bagus or engga tergantung equip mas bro, kalo skill sih sama aja kyk dual sword, tapi axe ambil passive yg axe, itu aja sih yg bedain sama sword

  3. if the DD doesn't have limit, there will be no one who hunt at NH,Great Garden, and Graveyard, and too easy to level into 150 i think, it's better if there's new maps, monsters and stuff than an unlimited DD :)

  4. *I think job reset is helpful for us .. you know, because ,if we take a wrong job we must not create a new character .. because when we create a new character again again and again, we will be bored ... and our character is useless. Our time for level-ing main character will wasted.

    ~That's my opinion ..

    agreed *nooding* , i just thinking about reset the job path, and yes, make a new one is pretty boring, then when will we become LV 150 If we keep doing re-make the wrong path character :D

  5. Blizzard or Angelic Breath- shrewd spell - run - divine hold - venom cloud after a respawn at the same time.

    but the cardinal could cast a spell even u bind them with binding skill right ? how to solve that limited attack range ?

  6. All never-miss skills. i spent too much gold on eva to be let down by Rune Impact or any other Never misses lol

    u could do nothing while u face a magic skill :D and also that fearful blow, but so many people with high strike nowadays ._.

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