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Everything posted by Kitteh

  1. Kitteh

    passive class bonus

    http://luna-forum.gpotato.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=404 thats class passives, but we cant see them on this server and ppl argue about whether or not they work
  2. necromancer and cardinal are both decent classes for that path, also two of the best mage classes there are
  3. ...... I not has kick-ass desktop... D:
  4. well in war u don't exactly get the chance to buff up all that often, so missing out on a buff isn't bad for war, and dmg in pve is already op so w/e, only remake if u want to cause it isn't necessary
  5. Kitteh

    Job for Rouges

    for new player i would reccomend entrapper, is fairly straightforward meanwhile BT has some kinks to it but ends up being able to do massive dmg (entrapper can get that too though, just not as easy)
  6. personally i was stuck between choosing rw>AR or TH>AR and ended up going TH, since assassin>AR isnt either of those two and RW>AR is, ill vote that up btw i chose TH cause human=good power, and i LOVE Hunter blast(it was a tough decision)
  7. personally i just pick up bits here and there, reading many class guides will also give u a good outline
  8. now that u mention it, need to replace my good headphones since they crapping out on me...
  9. Kitteh

    is it a good build? :D

    it would be able to use 2h, but would be much better to use dual wield
  10. @pandy not daughter of green? i think it makes a nice addition cause it gives the story more substance and depth
  11. Kitteh

    what is better? :P

    that path is impossible, humans cant be rune knights if u replace rune knight with gladiator it should work another option is to be an elf, 2 paths war>infantryman>knight>magnus(better hp and def) war>swordsman>knight>magnus(easier grind/little bit mor stike/crit)
  12. Kitteh

    Light evasion

    e.e im not sure but i know it gets into the millions
  13. i like this alot, id post mine but theres no point considering my comp died and im just borrowing this one D=
  14. Kitteh

    Light evasion

    temper master max lvl=9,sp cost total=90 blade taker max lvl=10, sp cost total=110
  15. ive heard this somewhere forget where.. "best pvp fighter class is SM, but Destro is better for wars" it depends on the situation really, and i hate duels in that crappy little box anyways
  16. ooooh, daughter of evil, good choice
  17. Kitteh

    Show Yourself!

    lately ive had absolutely nothing to do, so i end up sitting on my ass, does not help with healthy habits
  18. lol, u ppl use desktop icons... i dont like, bumptop provides me allll i need for variety, and i can access my programs from start menu/pin to taskbar/on disc
  19. surprisingly, i changed my desktop before i came to the thread this time.... and then changed it again after i visited the thread
  20. Kitteh

    Can i ask something

    thats part of the vestige set, its available to buy from item mall
  21. Kitteh

    Will we go CL+?

    the most gold one character can hold is 100b, if u log out with more than 100b u will be at 100b when u log back in also, stop multiposting, it clogs stuff up, if u have something to add, edit your previous post!
  22. Kitteh

    dungeon dating..

    the lvl 60 character wont be able to enter the 81-100 DD, only characters lvl 81+ can enter that one
  23. everytime i visit this thread, i end up with a new desktop =/
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