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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. signature is far too big resized
  2. Biohazard

    Now Playing???

    the prodidy pendulum and limp bizkit
  3. Biohazard

    Now Playing???

    pendulum the catalyst http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PimkAa65vFQ&feature=related
  4. Biohazard

    Now Playing???

    alexisonfire Born and Raised
  5. Biohazard

    May I ask why...

    my anti virus program doesn't flag it as a virus and i know other programs that don't. if anything its your anti virus programmers that have got something wrong and @bisul are you insane
  6. ill post new pics when ive got some more ink done maybe
  7. if i was you i would highly seek permission from brandon first before doing anything further
  8. try removing avast and using a better antivirus program theres plenty to choose from imo avast is too paranoid
  9. Biohazard


    if your used to mages check my mage SA in the guide section
  10. Biohazard


    for me the best and featest way train and what ever until you can get to nalia harbor kill stuff get items sell them roughly 180m per visit repeat 10 times (empty inventory e.g no buff pots and 100 mp/hp pots just the bare essentials) after selling everything (roughly 3 hours play = 1-2.5b maybe more) after this get hathor rings and philo for pure stats e.g all str int vit and so on then sell
  11. Biohazard

    turn undead

    you need purified aquamarines 1 aquamarine piece + purified water = purified aquamarine
  12. im very pleased this guide has worked well for you the only bug skill SA has is mana burn its meant to remove the targets MP but instead its like another soul spear as for skills to prioritize for me it was soul spear holy earthquake holy justice your buff and fast heal but from what i see your about set as it is
  13. yes human only for this guide
  14. Biohazard

    Job Change

    in answer of your next question that tells you where all the job changes are
  15. Biohazard

    Question :o

    moved to questions
  16. Biohazard

    what is this stuff?

    its meant to be used when constructing items and to guarantee getting INT craft on what ever you are making but is not implemented
  17. by going monk you gain all the skills needed to solo at low levels remember this path isn't recommended for those who like to have aoe's
  18. as pure vit Soul Arbiter i was hitting 20k crit almost 100% of the time
  19. been a while since i posted mine so here it is
  20. 80+ would be Ghost tree swamp as it offers mobs lvl 90+ where as howling caves 2f are only lvl 75-maybe 78 max
  21. howlling caves 2f is located by going to howling raving and pressing w to bring up the map about half way towards vally of the fairy is a set of caves enter there as for 2f that basically means 2nd floor, as for Ghost swamp vally i think thats a typo the maps name is called Ghost tree swamp and the entrance is also located in howling ravine at the bottom of the map
  22. Biohazard

    devil armor

    simple answer is its bugged hence does not work
  23. holy justice with this path is available at lvl 105 after choosing to go for Soul Arbiter and thank you for your suggestion i will do it when i have a bit of free time
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