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Everything posted by StarStruck

  1. im sorry baby q.q, I didn't mean to make you mad

  2. Welcome, How are you? It's been a while, it's way past due so please come by to join our crew ~Sincearly Lie
  3. I was minding my own business when I saw a character named after a large male genitalia stopped next to me. I was wondering if it's even legal to name your character like that since i briefly read the rules but didn't see anything about sexual character names. If it's ok to do that then I'm ok with it, it's just it made me make a face like this O.o followed by "wtf did I just read". That's all and thank you for answering in advance.
  4. Nutella, makes any experience a little more pleasurable^^. Especially if it's with Cordelia.
  5. My mom angry today D:

  6. Yay! I got to play FFXIII in japanese

  7. BabyMonster show yourself! at least pm me who you are here T^T. You cubancool.

  8. Nugs does have a friend. Im not invisible Q^Q.
  9. I would lick anything that is nutella covered. Including arms, legs, cheeks, anywhere and anything^^ really.
  10. Well I can say that i fart rainbows but if I ever wanted to prove that I can to the world I have to fart rainbows on national tv. Same goes with US. We can say that we are #1 (talk the talk) but in order to prove it to the world we have to walk the walk on national tv which we are really bad at doing. But anyways back to nutella, Sweden, Germany, Norway and Switzerland (the nations that won the better medals) love their chocolate hazelnut spreads^^....seriously though they love chocolate and know it too. @Seraphyre actually Mexico beat us at being the most fattest country so now we are #2
  11. If I remember correctly the last time the US won any award in the culinary world cup was in 2010 and they placed 3rd (in the national level, in our military level we lost horribly) the other time they won a silver medal but in 2008. Mind you that the culinary world cup started in 1929. So 2 medals, woot go USA!
  12. I have discovered skype....and it's the best thing in the world

  13. You're not supposed to eat it with bread (that's gross and very american), you eat it as is or with choco cookies.
  14. I'm watching Ghost Hunt and OMG that show is scary good!
  15. Harvest Moon Animal Parade Harvest Moon Tale of Twin Towns Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands Harvest Moon Grand Bazzar As you can see I LOVE Harvest Moon ^^;
  16. I would steal it from him. Then EAT THE WHOLE THING LIKE A BOSS.
  17. My keyboard died again. Why can't you decide already mr.keyboard.

  18. StarStruck


    But it is on topic O.o [removed] is an online game and I'm talking about updating the info about the game so that I can make a better character build and list the armor and items I will need(which is a form of game strategy). Since I am talking about a game it is on topic. By the way [revmoved] means [removed] the game.
  19. StarStruck


    A friend invited me to play this and since he's a very close friend to me I decided to check it out. It's not out yet so I went to see it wiki page and I couldn't believe how out-dated it was(it was closed down and now [removed] is going to re-launch it). So I decided to update the links and info that needed to be updated. However since I'm new to this game I don't know that much about it so I'm asking if you guys now anything about the game so I can get as much pre-planing for both the wiki and for me to create a well planned char^^.
  20. Fixed some dead links on the LH wiki page^^

  21. my keyboard came to life O.o? Did it took a vacation from my typing lol

  22. Going to test the keyboard to see if I can mmo well or talk well.

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