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Posts posted by Orange

  1. Guilds were designed to be filled and not so that you could level your guild with just 5 members. Fill up your guild with leveling people and then do guild wars and you'll level your guild faster

  2. You have just made my day, thank you for that. And by the mention of game guide, do you mean a costume guide of sorts? That'd be interesting to see. 

    a database containing all the information about luna

  3. I am working on a game guide but there's a preview of the items in the item shop on our site and if you hover it it tells you what stats it has. All items like costumes and accessories are permanent even if they say "(x days)"

  4. Did you really post this topic at 12am Malaysian time?  That's some dedication... We can clearly tell now who's your favorite staff member ;]


    Happy birthday Reidhwan, have a fun day!

  5. What do you mean registering an item to reinforce? You press S go to the third tab and click reinforce and put the right item in the box and the gems, not all items can be reinforced so click the box "Instruction" to see what can be reinforced and with what gems, blue and higher rarity items require HQ gems

  6. Are you serious? no wait you really can't be serious..

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  7. Yeah those seem very overpowered skills for a pet to have. You already have self and general buffs for EACH class + your pet's buffs + if you have a buffer with you their buffs too, pet's do not need to give you such huge boosts, this is classic not plus, in plus characters had weaker stats and I'm sure they needed those buffs, here you don't

  8. Please add wand or staff as a free bonus weapon for mage when they take their first job at lvl 20. It doesnt make any sense that my mage was given fox elven bow as a gift . . .almost a total waste (I still got the money from its selling though)


    it should give a random weapon but its stuck on giving the same weapon to everybody

  9. Exactly what it said, the error tells you what you need to know. re-download using something like FDM(Free Download Manager) or get an integrity checker

  10. One of the 100 luna plus dungeons, don't need them, having regular questing maps up to level 150, date dungeon and what other maps we want is what will happen, luna plus has way too many dungeons

    • Upvote 1
  11. I'm wondering , why they should change the costume effects in upcoming update .-. for me its enough to fix some ingame bugs , then add new features like lvl 120 weapons and armors (including the icon for lvl.115 and 120) + the new map and also the new costume like orange signature.


    Please can u explain to me why? .-. thanks ms. orange .


    Because costumes were originally and are a 3/4 and higher set effect in official and that's how the game was made. So I offered a set effect that would make costumes useful still keeping chest only stats and wearing the whole costume even better, I'm trying to make it so that you WANT to wear a whole costume and you have many looks to choose from so that costumes are back to what they are, COSTUMES, not a second equip set, which is basically what they will be anyway but at least you will have more to choose from.

  12. I was online after the server restart that day taking the mats from the winners, atleast 11 people were offline or afk during the event soon after noting me and after the server restart and nobody bothered to PM me or make a topic yet. If you are one of the following people:




    then your reward is limited to star or heart sunglasses, PM me who you are.

  13. eyepatch is glasses slot not costume slot, if you got the vip boots and gloves for the speed then all you want is a higher speed bonus than 15%, that is what you have been trying to say all this time.

    What if 3 pieces of vip had another speed effect? for example you are wearing gloves and boots and you get 1xx + on speed and then you equip the eyepatch(that already has very good stats) and you get another 15%? would that be good? after all you'd get 15% twice almost. Or just have a 30% on speed on 2 pieces of vip parts instead of 1xx


    Not saying anything final just throwing suggestions to see what you think

  14. Ok let me say it I again, I do not understand why you suggested a 6/6 set effect when this topic started because you were concerned about the 2/6 and 3/6 set effect of the VIP costume NOT THE 6/6 SET EFFECT. You want to have a better set effect for 2 VIP pieces not 6 pieces so suggest for 2 and 3 pieces and not for the whole set because that was the purpose of your topic.


    And stop posting with huge colored and bold letters, it does not make your post any better


    Think about a set effect like this:


    2/6 effect:

    whatever +X

    whatever +Y

    3/6 effect:

    whatever +Z

    4/6 effect:

    whatever +A

    6/6 effect:

    whatever +B


    and don't make something overpowered like you suggested before or I will not take the suggestion seriously

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