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Posts posted by Antoni77

  1. On 11/8/2022 at 10:13 PM, Orange said:

    Nice video Antoni! I must inform you though that we might not support windows XP for much longer, really need an upgrade soon @_@

    Hopefully we can have that gardens/graveyard drops update soon so it's more rewarding to farm there!

    No problem, I am just want to joking around by saying "hey look someone still playing Luna Online with Windows XP on November 2022" :D
    Thanks so much, I hope Boss Hornet and Boss Mantis will be updated too (but with some balance),
    and also Boss Grappler too from Map Howling Ravine (level 51-60) 

  2. On 10/27/2022 at 8:28 PM, touji said:

    abng anton, saya mo beli item edit yg keren itu bang, make rupiah bisa ga sih bang, ga punya dollar soalnya

    haduh maaf, saya belum pernah Donate, jadi saya juga ga tau caranya .o.

  3. Yes, I also getting trouble for this Purified-Stones Skills...
    and the Trouble is: "They Make Your Inventory Full"

    I am really Agree if the Vital Explosion and Turn Undead no longer need the Purified Stones. :29:
    (The good News is: Skill Revive now are no longer need Purified Stone)
    (So I hope Vital Explosion and Turn Undead will no longer need Purified Stone pretty soon)

  4. Hello everyone, I will just go to the point.

    Luna Online has feature that we can Click Drag Items on our Inventory from Bag 1 to Bag 2,
    by Click+Hold the item on Bag 1 and Drag the Mouse Point to Bag 2 so we can place the item on that Bag 2


    So my Suggestion is, I hope someday we can do the same way on our Warehouse too,
    For Example we can Click+Hold the item on Warehouse 1 and Drag the Mouse Point to Warehouse 2 and place the item on that Warehouse 2

    And also, since the convert Coins on the NPC Nera is minimum 1B,
    I want to Suggest that we can Safe Gold  on Warehouse for 999,999,999 as Maximum Limit than just Maximum 500m
    (or at least... please make the new Coins that has Price 100m, hehehehe)
    Because I found the problem that I want safe Gold 1.7B to Warehouse, I store 1 Coin 1B but how about the 700m? :?:


    I hope this Suggestion is good, what do you think, everyone? :D

    • Upvote 2
  5. On 5/11/2022 at 7:23 AM, SilverDeer said:

    This bug happens with all skills where the animation uses a shadow/illusion of the character executing the movement. This frozen face problem is canceled only by changing the map or using some motion(S).  '- '

    I can add: Rapid Slashing, Death Blow, Shadow Spin, Sky shadow, Fire Arrow, Rapid Arrow.



    On 5/13/2022 at 5:11 PM, Nyarlathothep said:

    Yea I think this bug exists ever since the original server is made. I think another bug that is linked to this is elves changing face/eye color (for female elf, red eye color - male elf, blue eye color) tho I think Orange already fixed that one

    thanks for nice Respond, I love you all... :39:

  6. Hello everyone, actually this minor bug it's already exist since I am First Playing on Celestia Luna on 2011... so maybe this Bug already Exist since long time ago
    But I am just too lazy to report it because it's so Minor, and since is so Minor, it's make me forgot about this Bug... XD


    If we using Skill that has "Shadow Effect on Animation/Motion", your Back Item's Animation (Wings/ Cape) will Stop/Freezing from Flapping (if it's wing) / Waving (if it's Cape)
    and somehow this Bug Skills Animation Motion are... somehow... freezing your Character Face Animations too, it will not doing Blinking-Eye, can't "haha", "Duhh", "huh", etc


    the example of this Skill with "Shadow Effect on Animation":
    1.) "Holy Strike Spear" from Fighter Magical Class, "illusion Attack" from Rune Walker/ TM (they have same animation/motion)
    2.) "Fatal Force" and All "Whispering" Buffs (they have same animation/motion)


    you can help this Thread by testing all Active skills as much as you can that you found it's make your Back Item's Stopped/ Freezing, and write it on this Thread

    thanks for the helping Celestia Luna to become more Good Luna Online game... :D

  7. On 5/6/2022 at 2:06 PM, paperbitch said:

    Setelah nyari" referensi soal stat dari post ini : 

    Kelihatannya stat Dex  cuma berpengaruh ke accuracy, eva, dan crit rate saja.

    Tapi belakangan saya notice kalau char saya pakai buff rune knight Accuracy Aura (Buff Accuracy + Dex) Block rate character jadi naik 1%.

    Apakah ada korelasi dari fenomena ini? Mohon opini para Veteran yang bisa menjelaskan. 



    "Buff Accuracy Aura+Dex", nah DEX-nya itu maksudmu dari Buff Zephyr atau dari Status Gain/ Effect dari Equip? :?:

  8. 14 hours ago, SilverDeer said:

    I had this problem too, and some friends too. This happens just by killing monsters, you don't need to pick any quest before.

    hmm, I am just doing fine on Moonblind Swamp now, hunting and leveling, and didn't get crash...  xD

  9. After I am reading the Post on Bug Section about "Auto-Equipping When Click Drag..." 
    I want to give Suggestion about "Lock Equipment"

    so on the Inventory Menu (I Button), on the Equipment Side will be placed a new Feature "Lock Equip"
    with "Checklist Box" that we can Check it or Not Check it to turn it On or Off...


    so by doing this, if the Lock Equip is On, we cannot change All Items that we Currently Equip no matter what... xD
    I hope this will help us from not Deleting Item by accident again... ._< 


    is this good idea? hahahahaha :D

    • Upvote 2
  10. and yes, I  don't consider that as a Bug... because it's actually the Feature of Luna Online
    Luna Online is just Old Game with the Old Game play System
    because yes, actually you can placing Equipment to Shortcut Button too...
    it was pretty handy on Guild War, because long time ago Some Equipment has "Skills" on it

    but they are don't have it anymore... xD


    it's also pretty handy if you have playstyle with 2 different Weapons
    for example: Yes there is Panzer playing with Musket and Two Handed Swords too as their PlayStyle
    or Sniper playing with Musket and Bow as their PlayStyle


    A little Tips from me:
    if you want to Click+Drag the Trash Equipment on our Inventory,
    don't Press any of Buttons from 1 to 0 (Shortcut Button)... xD
    If you want to Sorting your Inventory, go to safe place first, or when you already kill all the monsters
    there is the Time that they need to Respawn, and that's a chance to Sorting the Inventory before we continue Hunting

  11. On 3/30/2022 at 1:49 PM, Nyarlathothep said:

    So I tried hunting for Point Sword earlier and noticed a problem I've experienced here for years, the map often crashes when you level up (not every single level up tho), this happens almost with every single character I made since I came back in 2018-ish?


    Thanks a lot admins

    hmm are you also doing a Quest on the Moonblind Swamp too? (maybe?)

  12. 3 hours ago, Mandy said:


    I know, but more so than party, my concern is the fact that you can only grind using rogues/pd/edited items lol.  If only all classes were able to farm gold as efficiently as rogues do, the game would be, imo, way more enjoyable thanks to that variety. I mean there is no way a rogue should be able to hit "group monsters" for 100k while receiving no damage at all. Then you have the actual Warrior Classes that can't even come close to that lol. You either pick damage or defense, you can't do both (and boi did I try). Idk, it's just annoying to see how broken rogues are. They don't have an issue with skill points cus you can get all the skills you need, you can get 400 evasion easily, hit 100k per aoe just fine, and so on.

    Also, there is no way a MMORPG will increase the party rates, that just makes no sense. What happens with newer MMORPGS and other genres is that people must party in order to complete certain quests and then rush to late-game, that's all. 

    oh I see, I see... you means is Unfair if only Rogue Class that is good for Solo-Hunting on High Levels, because they have Venom Dagger and Bow Emerald Glider, and they have Evasions to Survive from opponents attacks, while on the other situations, Fighters and Mages need PD Items and Edited Equipment so they can Solo-Hunting against group of monsters on Higher Levels? hahahahaha (I am agree with you). 

    well I am also wondering why there is no Axe Two Handed Rare, Sword Two Handed Rare, Sword One-Handed Rare on Level 125 higher?
    that's kinda unfair if only Dagger and Bow, also Staff One Handed that has Rare on High Levels... T_T
    Lets suggest New Rare Equipment for High Levels (Level 125 Higher) such Axe Two Handed, and Swords too :D  

    but about Evasions, I remember Admin Orange already discuss about this too on Forum, Orange want to Nerf Rogue a bit for their Evasions,
    because is not Balanced, I remember that I am suggested for Evasions too, some of the suggestions is:
    "if we fighting 5 monsters, the evasion will still work, but if we fighting 6 or more monsters the evasions will not work and they can hit us."   :!:

    or something like that if I am remember it correctly.



  13. 7 hours ago, Mandy said:

    Do you guys think this would be possible? They're "group monsters" for a reason I get it but like, the game has 0 party cus people don't do party like that; all they want is fill their inventory as soon as possible and move on. And it's also unnecessary cus every rogue class (except for Sniper) can solo them just fine lol venom needle, emerald glider+12, easy 400 evasion and there you have it, a farming character that also has extortion, so the "group" aspect doesn't really apply to them. Shouldn't rogues struggle the most against these? Considering they even have a buff that increases drop rate. I'm just suggesting this because before sahel & parasus, any class could farm Nera just fine, you could enjoy any class with no issues; but now if you wanna grind for some gold you gotta go rogue/edit or you're screwed.

    pd: I'm talking about monsters only, not bosses- 

    the problem is Party has penalty that will divide EXP, Gold, and Item Drop Rates (depending the party members, more party members, the less EXP and Golds we gain)
    that's why people on this game don't want to Party with other players (except for DD).

    Luna Online is just Old MMORPG with that Old System for Party/Groups EXP Rate and Gold Rate gains
    comparing with some of New MMORPG they have Bonus for Party EXP Rate, the more member on the Party, the more EXP Bonus Rate they will gains
    they are easily getting to Max Level, and later they are getting bored of that game and quit from playing it...

    I hope we will get some New Quests in near future, so we have reason again to playing with Party... the more Party members, more easy to complete the Quests
    getting Reward EXP, Golds, and sometime Items too from the NPC... xD 

  14. On 2/10/2022 at 2:33 PM, TheEnd said:

    Hello guys, 


    My last time playing celestia luna was like 10 years ago (during my beautiful High school), and now i plan to play again after that time.

    Do you guys have any idea where to find skill calculator ? since i forget almost all the build and i heard that hidden stats also applied now ?

    There's some guide for every job actually, but isn't more fun to try by our own and maybe found the one that more suitable for us ? lol

    Glad this server still long live after so many years.

    you will need PC that is still running with OS "Windows XP" for running Skill Calculator
    because it's Luna Online Skill Calculator need Silverlight to running it...
    (and yes I have PC with Windows XP) hahahaha xD

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