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Status Updates posted by IcePrincess12

  1. awww watching SAO too? XDDD

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. IcePrincess12


      i'm not sure if kuradeel gone for sure x.x haha dunno why

    3. ๖ۣۜ‍Simplicity


      Waaa! He was killed by Kirito e_e

    4. ๖ۣۜ‍Simplicity


      Waaa! He was killed by Kirito e_e

  2. suka kattun kah? :o

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. UedaEi


      baru edit profil tuh aq. pasang gambar anime nya KAT-TUN wkwk...

      yg iklan game itu.

    3. IcePrincess12


      aih blomliat hehe suka kisumai ga? XD

    4. UedaEi


      suka sih~ pada dasarnya aq sk ma anak JE. tp kalo dibawah KAT-TUN umurnya... bocah XD

      tar aq jd tante2 girang lagi wkwk

  3. aww..your siggy is legendof mana :v i love that game and one of the fans of it XDDD nice to meet you~

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. IcePrincess12


      wkakakak so strange of u :P

    3. Sora D ulquiorra

      Sora D ulquiorra

      You know sorcerer .... ? It's me ..

    4. IcePrincess12


      eh? not really sure o_O never seen it before

  4. sissy!!!! how are ya? o_o there;s no news from u q.q

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IcePrincess12


      hahaha really? i remember you dear. it's xSarahx or <3Sarah<3 XD

      yes yes, i'll be waiting for your comeback :3

    3. ღSὰraℋღ


      Been so busy irl, trying to make room 4 game time >_<

      Being a mom, and trying to find a college for online classing is 2 hard....

      I'll pm you my cell or msn >-< Life being 2 hard on me ._.*

    4. IcePrincess12


      eh? being mom? what that supposed to mean? hmm....take care of your sis/bro/baby? XD keep fighting then!yes life is too hard sometimes .__.

  5. K, ym nya aku add ya? :D

    1. ○ K x i x ○

      ○ K x i x ○

      okok ~ tp gw jarang banget OL YM , FB / Twitter / Skype aja wkwkwk :P

    2. IcePrincess12


      wkwk wyaudah sini twitter aja XDD apaan?

    3. ○ K x i x ○

      ○ K x i x ○

      sbb nih Kasumi, barusan baca Feed nya XD

      @K_KevinXix .. follow ya , ntar mention kalo mau folback :D

  6. Ramadhan Event: siap-siap ya! 8 hari lagi menuju Ramadhan Event!

  7. mommy~~~ miss u <3

    1. AngelOfFire


      miss u more <3

    2. IcePrincess12


      mami kemana? ga keliatan di gama x.x oia, skrg giliran IRC ku yg banned haha..tulungin mam :x

  8. wow...suka persona kah? e.e

    1. KadekAditya


      persona 4 ^^

    2. IcePrincess12


      iya persona 4 !! hoho main yg 1-3 ga?

  9. saraaaaaaaaaaah :D is it u IGN: xSarahx? hehe remember me?

    1. ღSὰraℋღ


      Yes i remember love <3

  10. AH SISSSSSSSSSSSSS <33333333

  11. ailapyu sayang :*

    1. SasoriMichie


      cium nya yang panjang donkzz sayang... :P


    1. Nainaa


      Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssss <3

  13. hhuaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  14. cc fifiiiin :D aku add fb nya ya? hehe oia salam kenal cc~~~ ini aku Kasumi12 hoho

  15. antoniiiiii......aku tertipu LOL knp aku manggil "cc karen" terus ya? :p

  16. leveling-leveling-leveling

  17. leveling-leveling-leveling

  18. hello~~ is it u mafuyo? :D

  19. HEIIIIIIIIII!!! love kattun? >_________<

  20. suka kattun kah? :o

  21. suka gintama kah ?:D Hohoho

  22. suka gintama kah ?:D Hohoho

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