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Everything posted by Garee

  1. Garee

    About DD

    why dont you take both? first complete your DD = 10x, then mess around with tombstone and the ghost soldiers - with chances of getting Hathor - Sekhmet - Medusa ..
  2. it works for me just now. nothing wrong with the registration form. have you checked below the captcha? there should any explanation if the form returned empty .. like: when i try to re-register my ID, this info showed up: Account already exists! or 2nd time i put wrong captcha: Invalid captcha!
  3. Garee

    make gold

    Anggia, making the HQ is 100% success. bout selling them and succeed to be an HQ Billionaire? .. well that's depend on your passion (and connection of course :P). for me, the best time to turn occupation between a crazy hunter (5-7 hours hunting without stop on daily basis!!) .. and an HQ trader .. is when you have found inner peace .. oh .. i mean when you find a monster called boredom! best way to fight it = make 4 bagful of HQ, open booth, go to sleep .. and collect the gold in the morning .. :P
  4. Agree to this new pet idea. and also agree to that. usually after the 'suddenly sealed pet', general error followed. we have to relog again.
  5. Garee

    nanya tentang dd

    kegiatan DD-nya sih legal. Multi Account Login juga legal. asal jangan pake 'sesuatu' yg illegal pas DD .. no drugs and no alcohol, kk .. dijamin selamat sampai tujuan.
  6. char saya kebanyakan mage. dan 90% human biar bisa pake light armor. equip jg cuma 1set yg lvl lumayan, krn harganya emang mahal banget. Gold jg selalu abis krn saya memang boros dan hobi belanja (lagi ngumpulin 1-hand wand lvl kecil sampe medusa dengan +12 ada philo bagus dan rein bagus), dan pastinya susah buat kaya .. tapi, buat lvl 75-105, DD dan hunting tiap saya bisa OL, cuma 1 yg saya pastiin .. 1-hit kill momon yang 5 lvl di atas char kita biar Exp yg masuk maksimal. Gimana bisa 1-hit kill? .. Magic Critical yg 3-5x lebih besar drpd M.Atk biasa .. untuk DD, yg punya Area posisinya di tengah, tp yg hitnya 1 demi 1 .. gerilya aja dr pinggir. palagi klo di bantu sm 1-hit kill g terlalu capek kok. .. dan God Bless Brandon dan tim-nya yg memperbolehkan multi ID login di server ini .. klo internet dan PC lagi full strength .. 2 char DD + 1 char jualan di NC. jualan HQ ato Magical Flame lumayan kok dapet duitnya ..
  7. Garee

    nanya tentang dd

    susah apa g sabar? wkwkwk .. eniwei, yup!: 1. dual login (beda ID) 2. yg 1 full equip, satu 'keep on naked' beibeh .. biar mati cepet. 3. tuntaskan DD 10x sehari. jangan sampe bolong. 4. pake 100% exp setiap kali DD diperlukan untuk lvl 95 ke atas. dibawah itu g perlu, kecuali rajin donasi (beli PP).
  8. errmm .. this is just amazing, Fin. a tiny correction about the 'wand of glory' .. it's should be 'Wand of Glory' - Stone Golem Lv. 27 - Tarintus Village. i have a collection of those 1-hand wands, and been wasting some hours collecting 'em .. :P but, wow, i have to remake my GM again. sigh.
  9. Destro .. and keep an eye on .. *just don't turn your back from Cardinal .. or Holy Taker will take you out of game*
  10. as long as i know .. legal.
  11. why i havent seen you for days, Toby? got busy?

  12. Garee

    dungeon dating..

    it's not a bug. the 'beginner exp scroll [+10%]' is stackable with exp +20% (5 hours) from Tasartia or exp +100% (1 hour) from IM. i never had any experience with the exp +30% tho. while exp +20% (5 hours) is not stackable with exp +100% (1 hour). CMIIW.
  13. PDef 4447 at level 106? wow .. a tanker indeed .. awesome!!
  14. it means that the installation file is not fully downloaded. you've gotta download it one more time. this time, use Download Manager Softwares, such as Internet Download Manager (as Angrybird says) .. Goodluck ..
  15. Garee

    Double ID in one IP

    you mean Dual Login? you open 2 ID in one Computer? no. it wont be banned.
  16. Garee

    Voting Glasses

    yes it's permanent. non-perma item will have an info like below this pict: hope it helps
  17. Hi, Rabidfish .. ;) don't worry about start over. wont take you long time in this server. Name suggestion: DeadlyFish? haha .. :P
  18. 1. most anti-virus softwares detect Luna Patcher a file that infected with virus (while in fact its not). then, assuming your flash drive never plugged into a non-safe computers, the Luna installation file is safe. IF you're not sure, i suggest you re-download the file from Celestia Website. 2. while detected as a file contained a virus, your anti-virus might have deleted some files while installation commencing. so check your installation file with the one you had in other computer. 3. try copying your installed Luna Folder (which is yours, Grace) to your friend's new pc. it may work that way too. then run it. 4. When you have Operating System like Vista or W7, it's likely your game will have difficulties to start. i dont say it cant, but i witness result may vary on different pcs or laptops. i dont know the reason, but some friends with W7 installed experienced lot of problems, while i kept XP as OS -> fine since a year ago. ;) edit: owh, i before i forgot, Akcent is right. before installing or copy-pasting your Luna Folder, try to deactivate your anti-virus first. then after a try, put it to exception list, then re-activate your anti-virus.
  19. CMIIW = Correct Me If I'm Wrong. CMIIW = Correct Me If I'm Wrong. well, i dont have one but IMO (in my opinion), Cloak of Kingdom Knight .. is a cloak. as phixus, hellenopolis, KOD (King of Darkenss), and Legend Cape (forget the long name) so you could put an amulet into it.
  20. yush!! u may put any of the amulet into any cloak .. CMIIW.
  21. oh hi, rabidfish .. welcome to Celestia Luna .. enjoy your stay .. and don't bite meh ..
  22. :D welcome iScore .. enjoy your stay ..
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