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Status Updates posted by Akcent

  1. Asking for reputation is just as bad as asking for thumbs up on Youtube. Yep.

  2. Aucune idée. =P

  3. Favoloso!

    1. Akcent


      "shoutbot> User lutfisabil banned for reason 'real currency trading'"

      You know, you could've sent me a private message instead.

    2. BlackRavine


      long time no see akcent how are u ^_^ sorry for never message you coz my mom don't let me touch my computer coz test to a high school ^_^(although it's not excuse LOL)

  4. Feel free to do so Fee. :D

  5. GM Y U NO UNBANND ME?! щ(゚Д゚щ)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Akcent


      ಥ⌣ಥ I love you guys.

    3. Akcent


      Are you guys for real? D:

    4. iHelp
  6. Good morning to you. =]

  7. Ha, I knew it. =P

    1. Sparx


      haha figures

  8. He's unbanned now.

  9. Hello there Prosauce. ~ C:

  10. Hello there. =]

  11. Hello there. C:

  12. How i love me some Yaoi. C:

  13. I adore your avatar.

  14. I didn't knew that you would swing that way that fast. ;D

  15. I don't think you can change it by yourself yet dear. You need a certain number of posts. Just tell me what title you want, and i'll give it to you.

  16. I like cute fails though. (=

  17. I love you too Desire. <3'

  18. I won't unban without proof.

  19. I'm glad to see that we share the same interests.

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