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Everything posted by granted

  1. I'm just a regular player but i understand the point of this topic, a very nice TOPIC which i just realize after reading the conversation +1
  2. can u teach me what is the great path of buffer RM :)) tnx <<
  3. IGN: xJaniieLx http://imageshack.us...708/janiel.jpg/
  4. SIGA: sm human same with littleJovs W>merce>knight>SM audio and iBee: W>infa>Glad>SM ur choice :)
  5. i do it.. but .. none hannpend >.> i try again tommorow :P tnx bro
  6. ok now akcent :) but now.. my map is still the old one ! i cant vend 4b+ ahaha.. and i dont have PVP map :P how can it be ? can u help me ?
  7. my CL have prob ? if i log in my account .. always dont send :( ahaha why it is happen ? i try to repatch it.. but nothing happen >.>
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