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Everything posted by Craftist

  1. Welcome O.O Now you can be one of us. One of us, one of us...
  2. Eeeeeeew whip cream. Can I use the melon baller on the watermellos? :D
  3. Best story in the world. I laughed and cried. All at once. B)
  4. No one! D: Because you can't have this puncake mix...ya gotta earn it. B)
  5. Merci Steven! I've still got lots of practice to do, but I hope to get lots of subjects so that I can hone my skills! And maybe by then I'll have been able to afford a digital tablet...
  6. Wahaha~ Welcome back and hope you will have lotsa fun! Your English appears quite good to me. :lol: If you ever want some character art, feel free to drop by my thread: http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/22750-so-kuurafty-accepting-art-requests/#entry247823 See you in-game!
  7. Bwaaa, your poor glasses! At least they're still usable, right? ....Right?! :unsure: How long have you photoshopped, K-chan? Everyone, don't be shy! Gimme your screenshots please! *.* I want to see the glamorous! The cutesies! The serious!
  8. Puwaaaah, K-chan! Thankies~ I usually just go all ink to save time. Pencils aren't always available when I'm on a break and my dog likes to chew on pencils at home. I saw your dA, your signatures are so beautifuls!
  9. Aaah~ I'll whisper you, dear Lunarian!
  10. Thankies Cordelia! If anyone likes drawings of their characters, please check out my thread in the art&music forum! :lol:
  11. Hello Lunarians(?)! Kuu here! As I silently observed people the other day on-game, I found many inspiring characters! You guys have such great costume combinations~ So, as a small display of my hobby, and a tribute to you all, I decided to doodle some lovely peeps. However, it's traditional style (since I can't afford a digital tablet or scanner). :rolleyes: My favorite mediums include pens, pencils and highlighters. Did I mention that I LOOOOOOVE neon hair contrasts with black outfits? (I really do!) If you like what you see, maybe we can get acquainted in-game and I'll draw you! (For free!) Though, I won't complain if you're feeling generous and would like to donate to me. ^_^ Hanbok dress and designer swimsuit hair is so cute! I'll post more pictures as requests come in; if you can't catch me in-game, you may post screenshots here! Oh! You can catch me on channel 1 most of the time; my IGN is Kuuu! Hero Kuu awaaaaaay!
  12. Craftist


    The history of crème caramel/flan/custard is very interesting! It originated from the ancient Romans, where eggs were very prominent in Roman cuisine, though the first flans were usually savory and not very sweet. Long story short, though, the reason why custard and flan are used as synonyms is due to the fact that both have eggs as primary ingredients.The reason why pudding was likely thrown into the name association was due to the texture of the crème caramel, as well as the common method of making it, which was by boiling and thickening the food item before it changed into its semi-solidified (though very jiggly!) shape. In America, flan is more commonly used because in Latin America, that is the term used most commonly (and it is a quite popular and well known dessert!). As for Asian countries, I guess purin (pudding) is frequently used because of the ease of use/commodity of the term, but I'm not quite clear on that! If you ever want to learn more, this website (http://www.foodtimeline.org/foodpuddings.html#caramel) is very informative!
  13. Craftist

    Now Playing???

    My dog likes to twirl around to this song, so I play it whenever I get home and dance with him. ^_^
  14. Fakour, your name is awesome!

  15. The best angle from which to approach any problem is the TRYangle!

    1. StarStruck


      Best thing I've ever heard in ages^.

    2. -Winter-


      nuh its called the Derp angle xD

  16. Aaaaaaaha! I love that comic! It's so fetching! :lol: Yes, yes, let's go, amiga! @Haze Thank you, fair citizen! Your comment is most appreciated!
  17. [Hero Kuu used heart beam!] Thank you for the super nice greets, everyone! Don't know if I can stay active enough to be in a guild, but I look forward to getting to know you in game!
  18. Thankies! Whenever I'm about to fall asleep, I look at that gif and stay awake for a few more minutes. It's a surefire way to lose those Zzz's! *insert thumbs up here*
  19. Hi everyone! I go by Kuu. I'm a super noob nugget. Walls of text make me sob. This is officially my first MMO. I work as a waitress by day and a superhero by night. I'm a workaholic. My hobbies include doodling, writing, cooking and people-watching. I like to stare at the ground when I walk. The world is tremendously fascinating to me. I like to make faces at my dog each day to have him react strangely. My favorite animal is the majestic alpaca. The best type of humor is the punny kind. It's nice to meet you! ^_^
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