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Everything posted by Faithfully

  1. Welcome. If you have any questions or need help feel free to pm me :) Have a nice day! :)
  2. [img]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/idk_zps43o2cgzc.gif[/img] I have no idea how to make gifs.
  3. Like this? [img]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/Bez%20nazwy_zpsthipb1xb.gif[/img]
  4. http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/kupu_zpsxks9i2wu.png I can make a signature with an anime character or different pict. Some examples:
  5. Just Edit your post. You don't have to make another post :)
  6. Again your screens are wrong. Please hide your nick and don't use SKILLs. Also please use spoilers. [spoiler][/spoiler] I've posted how a perfect screen should look.
  7. No problem :) Have fun and come back when you will need another signature.
  8. Totally agree! Maybe something like a 'Golden Week Event'? Every day (for 1 week) we would have a different bonus? Monday: Double EXP Tuesday: Double Drop Wednesday: Double DD Thursday: Double Drop Friday: Double EXP Saturday: Double Vote Points Sunday: Double Donate Points Those are just my ideas but i think this kind of event would be a very nice opportunity for all players! :)
  9. Dafuq? Sec, ill try to fix it. ~EDIT #1: Okay i know what's wrong. Gimme a moment and i'll fix it. :) ~EDIT #2: Should work now. I'm so sorry but now you know why i hate GIFs :P [img]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/corngig_zpsju6jy8c8.gif[/img]
  10. Oh that code doesnt work. Try this one: [img]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/corn_zpst5j4mnke.gif[/img] No Problem :)
  11. I've done your request :) Also i've made two versions: 1) PNG: [img=http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/cron_zpsaerbmgpj.png] 2) GIF: [img=http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i336/miku1231/corn_zpst5j4mnke.gif] Sorry but i can't make better gifs idk how to set frames and other stuff.
  12. Hello! Nice to meet you. If you have any questions or need help feel free to pm me :) Enjoy~
  13. Hello, i know how to make gifs but the problem is that i don't like to do them. Here are some examples: As you can see they're not perfect.
  14. That's exactly what I wanted to say. As you mentioned, English isn't a mother tongue for the most of Cluna players but as we said before this server is international and in my opinion we should at least try to communicate. Also the issue about being too proud. I know it's nice to feel and show your achievements in the game but it should NOT harm other people. As i mentioned before I've been playing on this server for 5 years and my main character is really well-built. I just can't accept the fact that people who are too scared to fight alone (they usually ask for friend's help after first death) call other people noobs. Don't you think its ridiculous? Also, when i try to talk with them i'm ignored or they answer in their mother tongue or, what bothers me the most, they laugh at me.
  15. Dear Melisa, I'm pretty sure there are(were) more people like us but they are too shy(scared?) to complain or they've already given up. I'm not saying that every indo player is bad but i noticed that mostly they are really 'proud' and 'self-confident' and they feel strong cuz they're a huge part of CL community. In my opinion it isn't fair and this behaviour kills the spirit of this game.
  16. I sadly must agree with you. I am CL member since 2011 and i noticed it so many times. Game has stopped to be international long time ago and sometimes i feel like i am the last english speaking player. It's really hard cuz trading / selling / buying items is almost impossible. I don't want to mention PvP cuz i have no words to describe it. Long time ago i decided to be a solo player (no guild) and when i enter PvP i can't even say a word cuz i get insta killed by 10 people who speak language which i don't understand and they keep saying that i'm a noob. This behaviour forced me to quit CL and now i'm just visiting it sometimes with hope to play again but sadly every single day strikes me with the same impression - there's no place for me anymore.
  17. To infinity and beyond~

  18. I know you have good intentions but your suggestion has one very weak point. Do you know what is the inflation? Higher Gold-drop rate won't help newbie players cuz easier farming = higher prices. In the end, all prices will be higher and for new players that 'new' amount of gold will be harder or even impossible to get.
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