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Everything posted by |Z|

  1. OO:< like a slow motion! A few miliseconds again the gnoll will go KABOOM!! XD
  2. sabar ajah.. :) Ada yg pake ID u kali..

  3. hmm.. Rmt permanen..

  4. trus knp ada buktinya?

  5. a tree hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is hugging a tree which is . . .
  6. okay guys. A little misunderstanding here. Lets just put water into the flame. And just go on. And speaking of neko, im making my (probably) last design.. Neko and music related one.. :3
  7. hi there.. wHELL-come here and enjoy your stay.. :3
  8. wHELL-come here and enjoy your stay.. :3
  9. haha.. Sori ga bs bantu..

  10. weh.. Ntar dah kl sempet.. Eh, ktnya ada kartu kredit yg prepaid.. Kt akcent

  11. pake dual ama 2h ._.

  12. waduh.. Saya blom ada tabungan d bank.. Paypal jg blm ada.. ._.a

  13. nitip gmn?

    Sparx org kanada kyny..

  14. waa.. Skarang lg ga bs donate.. Haha.. Cb tanya sparx, siapa tw dy ad.. Pake bhs inggris..

  15. hmm.. Nggak.. Itu gagal, jd males.. Haha..

  16. nggak.. Knapa gitu?

  17. Nah, its not so bad. Ive seen one worse than that. XD Umm.. For full support, maybe you could go for this guide by Fee.. :)
  18. Heya there.. wHELL-come here and enjoy your stay.. :3 Maybe not much german players here. However, its my pleasure to help and understand your question, so just dont hold back when you want to ask something.. Have fun.. :)
  19. Whoa.. I like your avvy.. :3

  20. idc, thats just nice,, :)

  21. EDITED: Unmasked version: Changed hairstyle Added some shadow Changed the mask style Updated some minor things Changed eye color
  22. lol dagger.. Im lucky i didnt waste 11sp on that.. XD
  23. ive tried it,, just lvl 1, and yea, kinda useful, but i rarely use it. And talking bout skills, is fearful maccabre do any good? Its 2h only rite?
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