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Do I Got Ip Banned ?


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Dear gm / staff

I already ask my isp, then they answer that, theres no problem at their server, and i already do all suggestion that tell about the problem that cannot connect to the server such as : exception av, exception firewall, and others

Then i wanna make it sure, so i borrow my friends laptop, then i use my connection to connect to the celestia luna game, and it can connect, then i try again at my computer, it still cant connect

I thaught thay maybe my computer ip got banned ?

Heres my ip :

I need any help, thx before


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here my ip's use that website that you give to me:



yea, i use my friend's laptop with the wifi connection from my modems, and it worked, surely idk what happened to my computer, i already used the system restore (maybe i do somethin, so i cant connect to server) that back to the date that the luna can connect to servers, but still cant connect~


uhh idk what will i do later..

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  • Game Master

It's more than likely your laptop then, try to log in again and check your folder to see if LunaClient.exe is there when you open the game. If not, you have an antivirus that is causing the problem. If you have Microsoft Security Essentials, make sure to set it as an exception in that too.

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