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Best Method To Farm Gems/pieces Of Gems?



1. Speaking specifically about Moonstone, Opal, Sapphire, and Aquamarine. Is there a reference/guide out there?


2. While I'm here, how does one change the color of their UI? And why does hiding my costume not work?


3. OH! And does sitting increase regen?


4. What is the level limit for being able to obtain items? As in, if I go kill Lizardmen for their costume, why don't I get anything? Also, what is the maximum level difference one can gain anything above and below their current level?


5. Why can't I expand my warehouse? It's telling me my warehouse must be above 2 and below 5? Slots? Tabs? What?


6. What exactly does Enchanting do? I know on weapons it will increase the Patk and Matk, so does this mean it only increases the core/base stats of an item? It doesn't enhance any of the item's reinforcements or passives? Also, it says that an enchant protect scroll can only be used when enchanting between +1 and +6, however when I try to use it up to +7, it doesn't deny me like it does with +1? Is this an error or if I enchant will it possibly break? Where can I find Pukerian scrolls, and do they function the same as they did beforehand?


7. Can a reinforcement fail if 100/100 strengthening items are used?


8. What is the penalty for dying?


9. I remember there being these pills that would make you larger? Do these still exist?

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13 answers to this question

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1. Just buy it from NPC tasartia @alker harbor.


2.Open your luna folder. option (notepad). Yes hiding costume isnt work now.


3. No


4. +- 5 or 6 level if im not wrong


5. Buy the expand inventory/warehouse item in tasartia.

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In response to #5, I'm talking about the item I bought telling me that. Thanks for the other information.

First talk to a banker and select buy warehouse slots and buy the two first slots from her.

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Thank you :D.


6. What exactly does Enchanting do? I know on weapons it will increase the Patk and Matk, so does this mean it only increases the core/base stats of an item? It doesn't enhance any of the item's reinforcements or passives? Also, it says that an enchant protect scroll can only be used when enchanting between +1 and +6, however when I try to use it up to +7, it doesn't deny me like it does with +1? Is this an error or if I enchant will it possibly break? Where can I find Pukerian scrolls, and do they function the same as they did beforehand?


7. Can a reinforcement fail if 100/100 strengthening items are used?

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6. Yes enchant only increase base stat on the item. Enchant protection scroll from npc works till +7. Maybe you bought the wrong scroll? Hmm for pukerian scroll you can get it by buying it from itemshop using vote point or just buying from ppl at nc that cost around 600m each. And yes it has same function with encant protection scroll but with 100% success

7. Yes it can fail even if you used 100/100 stones.

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Yes but doesn't it overwrite when you try again? It doesn't stack right? I'd basically have to keep trying until I get something good correct?


8. What is the penalty for dying?



When you die you lose a bit of EXP, if you have an EXP Protection scroll enabled you won't lose EXP, but if you have PK points you will lose EXP no matter what.

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Is there a specific amount lost or is it dependent on certain circumstances?


9. I remember there being these pills that would make you larger? Do these still exist?

It depends, u will lost a large amount of exp if u have many PK points.

9. This pills only exist in Luna Plus. NOT In Celestia Luna.

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