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Why aren't bugged skills either removed entirely, or reworked/replaced with another functional/custom skill for certain classes?



Referring to skills that will just never be fixed like Corpse Explosion, Ice/Fire Trap; or skills that have been buggy for a long time like Fire Arrow (where the skill just sometimes just does not register to enemies that are moving towards you while you're trying to kite. Maybe expanding the impact hitbox or giving the skill a linear hitbox would be enough). 

Given that this game has had plenty of customization already, I would imagine that it wouldn't have been terribly difficult to do something about the skills that just waste SP.

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2 answers to this question

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Your title might be referring to the removal of active skills from items many years ago after a hack fix since they didn't work unless you already learned the skill.


As for the skills you mentioned, there will be a stat & skill focused update later this year. Right now we're working on bringing a big update already. You will see news on this in the coming week!

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Thanks for the answer. On an unrelated note, in the previous post I made, you mentioned that I should have posted the topic on Suggestions; the forum doesn't let me post on Suggestions for some reason. Is that intentional for new forum accounts?

Edit: Nevermind, I can post there now. 

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