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Patch Notes [May 29th 2024]


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  • Administrator
Game & Graphics
  • Client options (in launcher) were expanded:
    • Borderless Fullscreen is now an option. Play in full screen without suffering when you tab to another window!
    • A new option was added, "Texture Quality", which lets you set texture filtering between linear and anisotropic, allowing players with stronger PCs to escape blurry textures.
  • Various interface windows now save their position whenever you change maps or log out. This feature is usable across multiple resolutions.
    • Skill bar, target window & pet window now save their positions.
    • Be warned that having multiple clients open will overwrite any patcher options you've set for another client by the other open clients.
  • A new login screen was added!
  • A texture pass was added to fix anti-aliasing and blurring of 2D UI elements.
  • A texture pass was added to remediate invisible pixels in transparent textures. At this stage not all models with transparent textures were adjusted to this new pass but will be slowly rolled out.
  • Fixed crashing from clicking a target that no longer exists.
  • Fixed crashing from leveling up near a fishing spot.
  • Character facing angle is now properly loaded when entering a new map.
  • Improved word wrapping in tooltips, chat bubbles, NPC dialogues.
  • Added more highlight colors to NPC chat.
  • Critical rate number was fixed to show the maximum limit and not go over 100%.
  • Updated Dark Forest map graphic.
  • Passives are now properly checked when you learn a new skill.
  • Reskill now requires you to have no items equipped in either hand.
  • Warp scrolls now show their correct stack number after use.
    Using a skill while the map move dialog is open will now close it.
  • Being in combat with map move dialog open and trying to move maps will return an error.
  • A new salon coupon was added, Basic Salon Coupon, that lets you select a basic face and hairstyle. This item cannot be used if you want to keep a premium hairstyle or face.
  • New eye colors and faces were added!
    • You can now choose one of 62 faces on character creation.
    • Closed Eyes face was added to all races/sexes as a free creation choice.
    • 2-3 new faces for all races/sexes were added to premium creation choices to round up an equal amount of options for all races/sexes.
    • A total of 135 faces for each character are available in premium salon coupon.
  • Pets will no longer lose happiness while over 90% health and out of combat. You can now safely AFK with your pet out!
  • Improved pet AI in some cases.
  • Monster meter was limited to only count monsters that are +-15 levels of the player's current level.
  • 2 new PvP maps were added: Celestial Battlegrounds (Night) & (Day)
    • Day version is limited and disables edit stats while Night version is unlimited.
    • These maps have a "safe zone" feature that blocks you from attacking enemies while in it. Allowing you to take a moment to rejoin the fight.
    • Farouk awaits at each safe zone to instantly warp you to 1 of 4 locations so you can tackle the fight from different directions.
    • You can also find bank access, potions vendor and teleports to town in the safe zones.
  • A new item stat limit was added called "No-edit" as a map option that disables edit stats on edited items (craft stat).
    • This map limit is only applied to Celestial Battlegrounds (Day).
    • The formula will limit items to their maximum craft stat if there is one. Items that cannot be crafted will always have 0 craft stats.
    • The formula will pick only the highest stat or none and prioritizes craft stats in this order: STR > INT > DEX > VIT > WIS
  • A new target filtering system was added:
    • This system applies everywhere outside of towns (Alker Harbor, Nera Castle).
    • You can no longer heal or buff enemies, or their pets, even if they are in your party.
    • You, or your pets, can no longer heal or buff players if you or your target are part of a guild war and are not on the same team.
    • A team is compromised of players in the same guild or alliance.
    • We hope these limits force guild wars to end in a timely manner and not stretch for too long, while also disabling players from griefing and giving assistance to players in a war without any danger to themselves.
  • Behind-the-scenes, deep technical updates, fixes & improvements were applied. 
  • A new event was added to our yearly roster, "Festival of Rebirth":
    • 4 Tiers of enemies can be found in the Dark Forest, lv80+, Lv95+, Lv110+, Lv125+.
    • All enemies drop useful items such as equipment and crafting materials and have a chance to drop various new event equipment.
    • Hourly treasure hunts for Feira's Bounty can be joined on low level maps.
    • A special bambooboo with powerful timed items can be found in Alker Harbor.
    • Event tokens can be exchanged for brand new items in the Dark Forest.
  • For a limited time Zakandia will have "No-edit" limit on!
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  • Orange changed the title to Patch Notes [May 29th 2024]
  • Administrator

A hotfix was released fixing missing skillbar for specific resolutions and an issue with the models for Demon Hunter costume.

A hotfix was released to fix text scaling for users with scaling set above 100%.

A hotfix to an issue on map loading and vending stalls was released.

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