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Everything posted by Seraphyre

  1. Also wrong section :mellow:
  2. Well first, go into the main folder and see if the LunaClient.exe is there. If not, it's either in your AVG's quarantine area and you need to restore it, or it's just gone and you need to reinstall.
  3. No problem. Welcome and good luck, post again if you have any more problems, I'll help if I can.
  4. http://forum.celestialuna.com/index.php?/topic/12446-read-firstcommon-technical-difficulties/ Go to 2A. Do a little search next time, this is a pinned topic in the Help Center, you can usually find a fix for your game somewhere around the forums (also this is the wrong section I think, this should be in the Help Center).
  5. Lots of other countries have McDonalds. If you're saying we have the most, well, I guess we are the fatty country :huh:
  6. Hellenopolis is best for mages.
  7. Welcome back, Furiae, I hope you find everything you're looking for.
  8. Do you have a pet summoned? Sometimes that happens if you have a pet out. If not, it's probably either the server or your internet lagging.
  9. There are lots of costumes like that. Ones that have the same names but different effects. You'll see them a lot around Nera Castletown channel 3.
  10. We didn't create it, we just mushed two already existing words together so we could say a couple less syllables. Also there are people out there who doubt that we actually did go to the moon, you know. They say the 5 whole pictures we took were fake, that we have no other proof of going to the moon. So we MIGHT have, I'm not saying I believe that too, just saying it's possible we didn't.
  11. The one in the item mall has different stats, less beneficial ones.
  12. Lol no we didn't, so no we can't
  13. You mean: And thus the entire population of the United States took preventative measures of hording Twinkies to make sure the catastrophe never happened again. This brought about the end of the population by diabetes. R.I.P.
  14. Hello and welcome to Celestia! I hope you enjoy it here.
  16. They're the same costumes that have been released, I'm pretty sure, they're just editing the effects on them. And they didn't say when the update would be, I don't think they have an exact ETA, they'll just release it when they're finished and have everything ready.
  17. They will be in the item mall. All they're doing for those is changing the effects, I believe.
  18. Hi there, even though we've already met. Welcome to the baylife.
  19. Haha, welcome back Star, always looking forward to seeing what you have to say. Hope to see you around, as well ^_^
  20. In Luna Plus? We don't have Plus exclusives here yet, if you saw it here, it would be illegal, I think. It goes from level 82 shield to level 104 shield.
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