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Everything posted by Iridesence

  1. i bet pajama costume male and wedding dress is black
  2. wiz>sorc>inq = no fast heal till cardinal cler>sorc>inq = with fast heal till cardinal if you go wizard your skills are same with sorc. if you go cleric your skills are same with cardinal. choose any you can lvl up fast till 75 that make change.
  3. kill stealing by rainbowdash
  4. how's your internet connection? can you surf the web fast? if yes, its on the server
  5. you checked the given IGN not the ID that why it's not ban
  6. nadelete ng anti-virus o firewall mo ung client napagkamalang virus check mo ung quarantee sa anti virus mo baka nandoon
  7. 1. Talk to reid in the irc 2. Bws p.def (pd costume) or panda def
  8. may nakita ako dati sa nc buying ng +12 ak str kasi biglang nawala
  9. for every kill on mob there's a drop that can be sold find a mob that gives high exp after ur dd and sell useless items.
  10. someine seems to be mad at me but I don't care he's just a no one

  11. bumping on this thread or any thread make the thread goto top since ths is a active topic why need to bump? I don't need that post count or any reputation. you ask for the opinion and I gave 1 and now you are mad bec. you don't analyze my post its a suggestion or a tip for the newbies connected to this topic and farming .. review your post and my reply and analyze on how it is connected explore the game on lvl80 you can grind in fairy valley treents ir widows and sell their drop to gain money for future equips.. i know lvling 80-100 is boring w/o dd or w/ dd so if its possible to remove the limit some maps will be useless and RMT cases will increase that will make a hard time for gms..
  12. I just want to clarify your post that you can't do anything here below 90 and bumping on this thread is useless
  13. you can farm wiesels, accesswell and the other 1, and sell them
  14. Iridesence

    Level Gaps

    maybe lower the multiplier of damage
  15. buy sketch: holy iron chain A then construct u'll see the required items to craft
  16. Iridesence

    Level Gaps

    FYI pvp and duel are similarmy suggestion is just level up their characters to get more powerfull and it also depends on the strategy
  17. when you craft u get random stat
  18. anong masasabi nyo para sa dagdag bawas ng edukasyon sa pilipinas? inimplement ang grade 7 tapos ngayon babawasan daw ng 1year ang college.. anung masasabi nyo d2?
  19. Iridesence


    I don't have videocard so I have to download a s3tray plus to support directx
  20. Iridesence


    tnx for the help
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