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Everything posted by Kitteh

  1. Betty Botter bought some butter,"But," she said, "this butter's bitter;If I put it in my batter,It will make my batter bitter;But a bit of better butter,Better than the bitter butterWill but make my bitter batter better." So she bought a bit of better butter,Better than the bitter butter,and made her bitter batter better.
  2. hello reid, long time no see...
  3. its not a hairstyle, it just grows that way
  4. im also wanodering about irc, i liked it, do we have where i cant see and/or getting? edit: nexus cleared this up
  5. well, i never actually introduced myself on old forums so i might as well do it now hello, my name as u know it is Kitteh, (u may have guessed that already) i am a 17yr old male canadian citizen, i only speak english so other languages are sure to confuse me i enjoy gaming, reading books, and reading manga mainly, also forums are entertaining for me, my next favourite thing to do after that is absolutely nothing cant think of anything to add so i will stop torturing you now
  6. agreed, but im adjusting fast, also because this is the point of the thread, welcome to new forums miya! also, Fairy Tail FTW
  7. good luck with ur gaming, also with ur grinding on possible new chara
  8. waht, no neko siggy/avvy yet? hurry up and get some, i wanna see them again, also, welcome to new forums friend!
  9. yay, spam burger, always has some good meat to it....
  10. hello nexus, i wish you a good stay here on forums, its not warm enough here for me to give u warm welcome, so ull have to settle with a regular welcome, sorry bout that
  11. hello rurippe, we never really exchanged words before but i recognize u nonetheless(unless someone stole the name... then i have no clue who u are)
  12. much agreed, we must spam to make it look decent again, *cracks knuckles* time to get to work =D still havent made SA, maybe sometime soon D=
  13. O.o, i found waldo!!! hiyas, we share same taste in music, although all ur barely visible coulours confused me
  14. hiyas auchy, id like to be friends but im not sure cause u thought i was a girl for so long apparently
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