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Everything posted by Rookie

  1. Rookie


    Nerf sonic skills to 15m? ;o
  2. Rookie


    BT also has that attack speed passive.
  3. Rookie


    Do it anyway. Just play with all skills.
  4. Rookie


    With all due respect, why would anyone give you 2,000 free premium points? I hope you get your account back at least.
  5. You have to consider every point of view.
  6. That may be true, but I'm us uing the Ak and G. Axe as an example. At one point, they sold for 400m clean. As lately, they've been selling for 40m-70m. Another example is the Wizard Robe. When it first came out in PD, it sold for at least 20b i remember. Since its release in the item mall, its price went down to currently under 10b. I predict the same would happen to the BWS had it gone down the same way.
  7. But if everyone can buy the pd weapons, items like the G.axe, Ak, Level 115 weapons, and other end game items would end up being cheaper then they are now by a lot.
  8. Welcome back to Celestia, MrMan!
  9. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    North Korea, I'm guessing?
  10. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    Lol, well it should remain only 4 moves in the game though. Otherwise, Pokemon will become ridiculously strong.
  11. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    Nothing about the new type has been confirmed. Lots of rumors like Sound type, or Light type would be introduced in the game, or there may be some retyping. That is something that i rather let Nintendo release in the game, and not confirm it all before the game makes its debut.
  12. Yeah, that would be better. The halo and wing head accesories adds 3% int, 150 HP and 45 movement speed, compared to 10 INT, 100 HP and 5% m def.
  13. I prefer using the green lizard or the halo. Dont need the worm as a cardinal that much and the m atk boost, or the p def one will be great for wars or grinding.
  14. That's really up to you. The Red lizard only adds int, but the Green one adds 5%pdef. If you are aiming for the maximum m attack possible, use the halo. If you want to have a faster casting time, use the Healthy Worm.
  15. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    That is typically how it is. Im hoping to see a poison-dragon type.
  16. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    I had nearly all the main games of Pokemon so far besides Blue and Green. I wish the DS can play GBC games though.
  17. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    Main reason why i didn't want a 3DS or a DSXL was because I couldn't use the Gameboy advance game slot like in the DS and DS Lite. I font think Sylveon's type has been released yet, but I heard that it was going to be a normal type, but only available with a new friendship bonding system. It's still all rumors though. Personally it does look like it could be a flying or fighting type. The only reason why I say fighting is because of the bows and ribbons, which could be relating to a similar fighting style of Japanese woman who used fans as combat weapons. "Mewthree" reminds me of Porygon Z in a way.
  18. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    I do wish they made it DS and 3DS compatable, but this new game seems to have taken things to the next level overall. Honestly Ii'm going to wait a while after it's released to see if i should buy the 3DS.
  19. What if you get the membership and get the items... But then no longer pay monthly to play. Do you get to keep the item?
  20. Reminds me of Runescape, lol.
  21. The only one that has a permanent version of itself is the bachelor hat. It might still say 30 day, but if it doesn't have that blue timer at the bottom, then its permanent.
  22. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    "Mewthree" has a cool/odd design. Sylveon is bugging me because of its typing. Its cool that this game may be based on France.
  23. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    Um... I just wanted to talk about the game, although thanks for putting up the info for others who don't know about it.
  24. Rookie

    Pokemon X and Y

    Anyone looking forward to it? Any hopes or thoughts about this game comming up?
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