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Everything posted by alvian

  1. Im sure winning trash = shining garbage. just different place to get it. Yesterday i open [TW] terrapin and i get VIP uniform
  2. alvian

    Price Check

    if you find it clean, maybe its just around 150-200. But if you try to shout, maybe u must pay around 300-400.
  3. Test : EDIT : IT WORKED!!!! uh yeahhh :D . i clicked the symbol that tenshi told me. i used them before but it failed. This is how it worked : put .JPG after the link so it can appear :D Thanks everyone :D P.S. : i didnt use another advice because i dont want an overload at my brain :D (Just Kidding, i think this 1 is simple so i use it)
  4. I used imgur. Okay tomorrow i will try put i.imgur.com/... And put the ".jpg" I think its why i can't upload my image. I will try the 2nd way too : Ctrl+shift+V Or Double click picture then paste-ing them to [img ] Thank you all :) *please don't close this thread until i can use it properly :3
  5. Like this : [img ]http://aciai.me/i/gFBlD.png[/img] See this screenshot : http://imgur.com/XTpA0R6 *See : i didnt put space at the SS. I put space so i can post this :3
  6. already try it. i put a space so you can see that i already wrote your advice. dont work. dunno if its only me or what
  7. i will test it : [img ]http://aciai.me/i/gFBlD.png[/img ] Its said : you are not allowed to use that image extension on this community
  8. How to post an image at a thread? (not a spoiler that just offering link) I just know that we use [ spoiler ] and [ / spoiler] but it dont make our picture appear directly at that thread. Clicking image at top of the comment also dont let me put like that thing in the thread. Any idea?
  9. Normally 1 pp = 40m But as far as i see, today, 1PP = 35m. And there are still not a lot people that want to buy that
  10. Destro will like pa item and magnus/sm/paladin/rogue will like str more. Its based on your % skill , for example risk taker. The higher ur % is, the higher stats that pa gift. Without it, i think str is better. I tried it with my mage, when non-buff, 20 int better than 18.3 ma. When full-buff, 18.3ma really give significant difference with 20.3 int
  11. search at the top right corner :D IRC is like a chat room you can open mibbit.com (to connect without downloading) Search how to register and joun luna channel. thank you
  12. go to IRC and try to contact and make 'void' (nickname) to help you for your pass account. dont hope too much, because i think they dont serve recovery password anymore
  13. How about make party exp available even you are too far from the killer one. Make it one map i mean. Because the exp just divide for peoples that in mini map range sight.
  14. And look at urself shanz :) Not playing it and you already made a new record for longest page in question section . (At least, this is the longest thread i have ever seen) There will be more record you can break when you play this one xD
  15. Try with another computer to make sure if this problem appear again. ohh yaaa i'm not sure about disabling temporary because the AV still 'open in background'. If you r not sure, try to end process of ur AV in task manager (if u know it).. Please, now not disable temporary, really disable permanent until next command. Then delete CL folder. (If it can't be deleted, open taskmanager, end CL process) re-download CL. Install it. Make sure lunaclient is there, then start luna patcher. IF something wrong with download/installing it (other than AV), let me know.. P.S. : if u leave this server without trying it, really, you dunno what you miss :p. This game make me addicted so much.
  16. I think its just yours, so mass fix won't be do. When u install with a new installer, did u already turn off AVG? And i is there still lunaclient.exe at the CL folder?
  17. The 'start game' in the patcher or in the client? Also, try to check if your firewall block the connection? Disable your antivirus too
  18. By the way, when you left this server at past? The server got wiped at 2010, so maybe its why your accound blocked (not banned maybe)
  19. No i think. You got banned for a reason that can't be determine now by GM/admin, because old system didn't require reason why you get banned. But they pretty sure they have enough reason why your acc get banned. So just start again :)
  20. Correction : stun from RI isn't same with stun from blunt shield. (The status bar 'debuff'). For example : destro Burning Crash and Erathquake's Stun have a same debuff icon. Yes its what like eon said, the 2nd skill won't take effect if the 1st skill effect still applied. Same as RI + blunt shield, RI has it own debuff icon, so yes, that 2 skill can be stacked.
  21. ^same as shield boomerang while dual wielding.
  22. @musanx : itu karena ada file yang d block antivirus mu.. Coba buka quarantine di AV mu terus restore (kalo gak ada, kemungkinan kedelete, install ulang) trus masukin luna ke exception list, kalo gk ngerti, disable antivirus aja pas main. @kugelfang : 1. pake ccleaner 2. Buka battery setting ->advanced -> processor -> 100%. (Windows) 3. Di option luna, bagian video . Jadiin minimum setting. 4. Buka task manager , process, end in semua yang menurutmu gak pake (contoh : yahoomessengertray.exe, end in aja kalo tak pake)
  23. You r really rare kind of person WHO still new and have a willing to read the rules :D. Welcome buddy ! You must be a model of newbie here :D
  24. i think admin will remove the edit item IF and only IF some1 can donate a lot to replace the "edit profit" :D. The purpose admin do edit is to make this server alive. Look at the bright side, not all of the people use edit. If you find 1, then just dont duel/war with him xD
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