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Update Question. @orange.



Well I've asked before and I'm sure I know what the answer will be. But why is it that we don't get tiny updates constantly instead of one big update once every year? Plus this killed my rep when i first joined but whats good with make me big/small gm pills you guys are going to start another server without edits so you may as well put them in the server thats running now and make it clear that you cant join pvp torunys if you use them ^^ I have the item files if thats the issue. But anyway thats all I wanted to know.

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But why is it that we don't get tiny updates constantly instead of one big update once every year?




They've said they'd update for a while now. If I remember correctly, Brandon and I had a talk, and the reason they've not put out little minor updates is that the patcher is a pain to work with. As soon as they fix things on their side and make the update easier to be received by you guys, I would count on it happening. As of now, you'll just need to wait.

All bugged/non-working skills will be fixed in the update, and some will even be changed. As Zohor said, the patcher is a large problem, Brandon has been working on making a patcher solely for the Celestian community, and it'll make things a whole lot easier both for you guys and for the staff.


  • big/small pills, though I don't know what you mean by "what's good with them"? are you trying to say we should or shouldn't add them? I've stated my opinion on them before, this game is heavily click based with a broken enemy tab system, they will only endorse abuse in pvp/wars and they are a clutter on the screen to see enormous characters everywhere all the time. Only GMs should be able to make people big/small for events and then just remove it or whatever.


  • Don't understand what you are trying to say about the new server and the edits in the current one please elaborate.


  • We have all the files we need, thank you, refer to quoted text
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well what I mean by the gm pills and new server is I was under the influence that there will be a non edit server released "soon" I understand that the gm pills would be a hassle in pvp and guild war but every guild and person has a choice to battle someone that may be big or small {gm pills}. As for the updates I'm aware the patcher is a pain to work with But the timelines it takes for things to get fixed seems a little too much to me. { mind you I know shit is always a pain to fix and theres not a large staff fixing things but I know with what i Donated in the past it would be able to "hire" someone to fix the patcher at least}. Anyway Im not trying to be a Dic% about things but I really do enjoy this game and I hate to see people leave for silly reasons. Idk if im the only one, and I have not been playing this server for years where my input should matter But I would like to see a tiny bit of a change. 


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If people decide to leave over said silly things, that's their own decision, and we're not going to change things based on people wanting those silly things - whether they leave or not. Unless they're approved of by staff, that is, and in which case, they would need to be something worth actually putting in. Those pills will create more complications than are necessary, guild wars and the PvP map would become a pain. You do not always get the option to choose who you're fighting against, especially in those situations. Not to mention if we continue to hold our monthly PvP events, having to revert those players back to their normal size just to hold the event would be quite the hassle. Also, they could very easily be considered unfair advantages, which are against our own server rules.


So, tldr;

As much as we see they can be fun, I think most of the staff agrees that they would even more so be a pain in the butt. I will close this, though, if you have any more questions, feel free to message a staff member. 

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