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cara melihat, caracter yang direport


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I don't know if I was able to translate it well but, are you asking why you can't see reports?


The reports section was changed to private, you can only see your own reports, that allows reporters to be anonymous and undisclosed to others, and removes the need to edit your screenshots to hide your name, because only GMs will see it.

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numpang nanya kk, ini kok caracter yg direport gak bisa dilihat yah. yg muncul cuma bekas kita ngereport orang

Seperti yg dikatakan Orange, Character report section sekarang udh jadi private,

Karena untuk semakin memberikan privasi kepda si pelapor. Jadi gausah takut ng-upload foto hasil screenshot dan sibuk nutupin kostum, nama, family, dll. Yg bisa liat post kita cuma GM kok..

Dan satu lg, klo mnurutku, biar ban nya surprise :D

I don't know if I was able to translate it well but, are you asking why you can't see reports?

The reports section was changed to private, you can only see your own reports, that allows reporters to be anonymous and undisclosed to others, and removes the need to edit your screenshots to hide your name, because only GMs will see it.

You got the point, Orenji! And that's the answer for his question.
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