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3 Combo of Monk skill in Soul Arbiter Class



Does 3 Combo of Monk skill  still good in Soul Arbiter Class? Because I rarely see most SA use these skill.


If not can you explain why because I think this is the best skill while  we are in Monk or Inquirer class



Thank you.

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2 answers to this question

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If you mean the first 3 skills you receive as Monk... They're not bad, just that you spend a lot of SP.

As Soul Arbitrer you receive new skills such as Holy Earthquake, Mana Burn, Soul Spear, which are very powerful and you only have to learn a few levels. You also receive Holy Justice (you get it as an Inquirer actually) which has considerable damage too.

On the other hand, if you want to achieve similar results with the Monk's skills, you need to learn about 20 levels for each one and even so the skills mentioned above deals more damage. I only highlight Holy Spike for its high debuff of atk speed.

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