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Everything posted by Seraphyre

  1. Seraphyre

    Sorry Help Me

    No, it's not an IP ban. But seeing as we don't know what you did wrong - and no, we're not going to take your word for any small ordeals - it's not going to be unbanned. Just make a new account and be sure to follow the rules.
  2. Seraphyre

    P.k Question.

    When you say you get to pick gold or items, he means the person who kills the PKer gets to. It's broken right now though, so they can't do that, but you still do get PK points, which don't get you anything good. Just takes a butt ton of your exp when you die if you have them.
  3. Hmm. Maybe deleting celestiapatch fixes it or something, I'll test that later. Need to go study at the moment, but I'll make sure to post when I try it.
  4. Does it for me no matter what I wear as long as the Holy Chain body piece is showing.
  5. Do you have different image files like some other players? For everyone I know of, this happens with their characters. Or maybe you have to cover your gloves and/or boots with something else. I don't remember exactly what the qualifications for the glitch is. Will test and check back in a bit.
  6. It got to 50 degrees out earlier, so I grilled some hamburgers for dinner :3
  7. There's a feature being added later where you can recover your information with your email. If you don't have your email, you should probably make a new account. In fact, you should just do that now, it may not be added any time soon.
  8. I know 20 Kanji :lol: Now only 1,980 to go! :lol: <_< The picture in the spoiler is my notebook page of me writing the Kanji over and over again to try and remember it. This is only Katakana ;_; Going to have to learn Hiragana after I learn all of the Katakana. This is the Kanji I know: アイウエオ - vowels (a, i, u, e, o) カキクケコ - ka ki ku ke ko サシスセソ - sa shi su se so タチツテト - ta chi tsu te to
  9. Newfound respect for Japanese people. How the hell do they remember all of the kanji? ;_;

  10. Not necessarily a bug, just a graphic glitch. I'll leave it here just in case one of the Admins are able to and/or want to fix it.
  11. That's not from BWL, that's from the Holy Chain body piece. It does that no matter what you wear with it. If the body piece is showing, your glasses and head slot item appear on the ground beneath your character.
  12. Not everyone's gonna be like the other two scumbags in your life, don't let bad people stop you from letting people in. There are people who are worth it. They just aren't it. OT: Learning Japanese (going into secondary languages and education - going to teach English in Japan :3) and they have over 2,000 Kanji - their alphabet characters - that I have to learn so I can read Japanese, and then I have to translate that to English. I've learned the vowels and two sets of consonant + vowel combinations (usually about 5 vowel combinations per consonant) and my brain already hurts ;~;
  13. Seraphyre


    A few being two, every twelve (or is it thirteen?) hours.
  14. ^ Like really action-y, or? Mirai Nikki and Guilty Crown aren't as action-y as AoT, but they've still got action in them, and they have awesome storylines. Code Geass is a decent anime for action, but far from my favorite.
  15. Seraphyre

    Pick One

    Moved. This is not a guide, please next time post in the correct section.
  16. Yeah, it's just a client-side bug. It doesn't actually make your stats that number, only says it does. If you mean the penalty, though, that's not a bug. When you dual wield, it brings down a lot of your stats, and it does that on purpose. Once you're able to max out the level of Dual Wield Training and Expertise, it doesn't bring your stats down so much. And having two weapons, of course, can increase your damage quite a bit.
  17. An ID would be helpful.
  18. Seraphyre


    You need to give more details. Does it give an error? Or what happens when you try to play?
  19. Seraphyre


    Games section is for games that are not related to Luna. Moved to Help Center. Anyway, can you give us some details? Is it just lag, or does it error and crash, and when does it do it? A lot of times, pets cause problems with crashing, so if you're using one, that may be it.
  20. Just because the update was promised, don't mean we're going to hurry things along just for you. Be patient, there's a lot of stuff in it that only TWO people are working on, and they have busy lives. So just wait, it's going to take time.
  21. Seraphyre


    Unless it's a single item, then you can right click to sell it. But to destroy it, no, you have to drag it out.
  22. Yeah, my family got Arby's. ARBY'S. My favorite fast food place on the planet. They know this, and I didn't get anything ;~; I always get them food, fuuuu :angry:
  23. Seraphyre


    You're welcome. Locking this thread, if you have any more questions, feel free to PM a staff member.
  24. Having plans to see boyfriend later <3
  25. Report them, that is considered harassment. OT: Family goes out and gets a bunch of food without you, doesn't bring any back for you, so you start making your own food, and one of them comes in to the kitchen like, "Do you want half of my food?" <_< No, I don't want half of your food, I want my own food.
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